Year-End Special: A Project of Generations from Unnatural Worlds

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"I apologize for being careless. Rest assured, the Westa Knight Order, especially my 13th unit, will be more vigilant and avoid unfortunate events like this", Captain Noel bowed.

"Is it true that there's an organization behind the attack on Westa West High School and that they are targeting one of your knights?" a reporter asked.

"No. Those are simple baseless rumors", she replied.

The press conference continued. I watched the conference while doing the paperwork in the captain's office.

Yesterday, Westa West High School was attacked by the Unkindness in order to capture me. Because of their bold moves, the 13th unit was being criticized for not preventing the attack. Captain Noel and Temma held a press conference in order to ease the anxiety of the public and hopefully save the name of the Westa Knight Order.

"Honestly? It's stupid that the public is blaming Captain Noel", Anya said.

"It's not her fault that the Unkindness attacked. If it weren't for her, things would be more dangerous", I replied.

"Exactly. It's like blaming the knights for a murder case just because "they should've prevented it." It's the murderer's fault why the crime happened."

"Yeah. But the media always wants juicy stories so they'll twist the truth to fit what they want."

My vision became blurry as I felt drowsy. Huh? Was I tired? I was sure that I had enough sleep so why was I getting drowsy without any warning? Before I could fully resist, I fell asleep.


"Mi... Mikage.. Mikage! MIKAGE! WAKE UP!" I heard someone shout.

I opened my eyes and saw Anya looking at me.

"Oh? Did I fall asleep? What time is it?" I asked.

The surroundings were dark and the stars were shining above us. So it was evening huh?

And then I realized that I was supposed to be in the captain's office and so, I should be seeing the ceiling instead of the sky.

"Where are we?!" I asked.

There were trees all around us so we were probably in a forest. How did we even get here? Was this another one of the Unkindness' attacks?

"The last thing I remember was that I fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, I was sent to this place while you were sleeping next to me", Anya explained.

"So you felt sleepy too? Was it the prerequisite for us to get sent here?" I asked.

"Who would even try to kidnap us? Is the Unkindness behind this?"

"I don't know. Whenever the Unkindness is involved, an eerie feeling would appear in my mind. The only feeling I had was drowsiness."

"In any case, let's be prepared to take on anything. Be vigilant, Mikage. We don't know who our enemy is."

Anya transformed into a wavy sword and I picked her up.

The trees around me made me think it was just a regular forest but there must be a reason why we were sent to this specific forest. Were the enemies nearby?

I saw something swiftly moving towards me and dodged it on instinct. Upon looking at it when it got close, I saw that it was a knife.

"What the hell?" I asked.

I looked at the direction where the knife came from and saw a black-haired boy with violet eyes. He was around the same age as me and was wearing a black blazer.

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