37-Timeline is Mallable

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Back at the indoor playplace, Joe, Nora, Dick and Barry had stayed behind to keep an eye out for the New Cicada, "How could Vickie not know she killed two people?" Nora asks her dad and Joe.

"There was a time in Central City where not all meta attacks were public knowledge" Barry tells her.
"Why not? I mean, people should know—" "Former Mayor Bellows tried to keep certain things out of the media. He said he didn't want to create a panic. Turns out, he had metas on the payroll" Joe cuts off Nora telling her as his phone vibrates, "Didn't want the heat. That's Cecile. I'll be right back" he tells them as he walks away.

"You were wrong, you know" Nora says looking at Barry.
"About what?" he asks.
"About Vickie not wanting to tell her family about her abilities. It's her choice not to tell them" she says to him.
"Look, keeping a secret like that from her family, it's dangerous. I mean, they might get hurt, or worse..." he tells her.
"She's just trying to protect them" Nora says.

"I get that. I do, but...I used to think that keeping secrets from people for their own good was a noble decision. That it would protect them. But when you do that, u just rob those people from making their own decisions. I even did it with you" Barry says to her.
"Like when you didn't want to take me to your past with mom" Nora says.

"Mm-hmm. I didn't want you to see how painful things got for me as the Flash, or how bad things got for your mom. But secrets are like walls, and you can't really know someone with walls between you" Barry says to her.
"I agree with your Dad, I mean, Kat didn't want to keep her past from your Dad, and she felt much better after telling him her past, and it made their relationship stronger" Dick says to her.

She nods at them, then suddenly holds her head and groans in pain, "Hey" Barry says worry on his face, as she looks at them, her eyes suddenly changing to just lightning, as she gasps, and then her eyes go back to normal.
"Hey, you okay Nora?" Dick asks her.
"I must have connected to Grace's mind. She's coming. Grace is coming" Nora tells him.
"Okay, Okay, Dick go warn Joe, I'll send a distress to your mom" Barry says, as they speed off.

Katrina sees the distress from Barry, and speeds off changing into her suit, as she then speeds off to their location. Katrina, Barry and Nora all speed inside in their suits, and look around, "I don't see Cicada anywhere. Do you?" Barry says to them.

"It's the Flash and Bolt!" they then hear a kid shout, and they stop, "Mom, you got Flash, Bolt and XS cosplayers for the party?" she asks her mom, and they realize she was Vickie's daughter.
Barry and Katrina look at one another, "Yes. I am the Flash and I love...Soccer! Do you guys love soccer?" Barry asks the crowd of kids.
"Yeah!" they all shouts.

"Awesome, come on, come with The Flash and I and play some soccer, see if you guys can beat us, come on" Katrina smiles at the kids.

"Let's play far away from here" Barry adds, as they run into Dick and Joe.
"Help us get these kids out of here" Katrina says to them, as they continue heading out of the building.

Vickie looks at Nora, "What's going on?" she asks her.
"Cicada is coming here" Nora tells her.
"What?" Vickie asks shocked.
"Now. Okay, we can move everyone outside of here, but you and your family have to come with me" Nora says to her.

"Okay" Vickie agrees, and they go to leave, when Cicada appears behind them, and she hits the ground with her dagger sending Nora and Vickie flying backwards.
Vickie leans up, and looks at this Cicada, "Murderer" Cicada says to her.
"Grace, stop" Barry says as he and Katrina comes back in.
"She's innocent, it was an accident" Nora tells her.

"There are no accidents, Nora" Grace says to them, as she raises her hands, and sends her energy at the three of them, making them go flying into the air, pinning them to the ceiling.

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