42- Holy Shrap

348 11 5

Season 5 x 20

Barry and Katrina speed all around the city, and speed back into the lab, "Tachyon scanners are up at every half-mile interval across the city" Barry says.
"And the seismometer is searching for sonic booms in the 100 megahertz range" Caitlin comes out of the other room informing them.

"As for the satellites," Cisco says following her out, "I've got Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha scanning for her yellow-purple lightning signatures," he explains, "I'm clearly the Samantha of this group"
"Yeah, okay, Miranda" Iris comments.
"So, technically if Nora uses the Speed Force—" Dick starts to say.
"We will find her" Katrina replies, as they look at the monitors waiting for the scans to get a hit.

"I thought she'd pop right up" Barry says after a few minutes.
"If she's even here, how can you guys be so sure that she even came back from the future in the first place?" Cisco asks them.
"Well, because Thawne sent her. He managed to show her a new way to time travel. Something that cannot be detected" Katrina explains to him.

"But as soon as she starts running again, we're gonna be able to bring her home" Barry says to them.
"Well, Team Flash, Nora Wayne-Allen is not the only time traveler who is absent" Sherloque says as he comes into the cortex with Ralph.

"We've been running down abandoned buildings, foreclosed condos..." Ralph lists.
"Anywhere that Grace Gibbons may have hidden her younger self, but..." Sherloque says.
"We got bupkis" Ralph adds.
"And we have no idea why she stole the cryo-atomizer, except that it was worth killing my dad for" Caitlin says to them.

Katrina goes over to Caitlin, placing a hand on her arm, "Hey, if you need some more time, we will understand"
"Yeah, we're more than capable of chasing a wild goose or two on our own" Cisco adds.
"Thank you, I'm fine. I'd rather be working" Caitlin says.
"On that note, I'm happy to help you follow that lead on the atomizer" Ralph says to her.

"Really? What about Sherlock?" Caitlin asks.
"Sherloque....Do you think any of you can get this right at any point at any time in your lives?" he asks her. "Sherloque, no, I'm going to continue the quest for Nora Wayne-Allen. I feel somewhat responsible" he says as he then leaves the cortex, Ralph and Caitlin following.

Just then Barry's cell buzzes and he takes it out, looking at the screen, "Hey, its CCPD. There was a break-in at an architecture firm on 34th and Williamson. Meta suspect" Barry says to them, as Katrina hears her phone go off and looks at it.
"Looks like Citizen's reporting an explosion there" Katrina says.

"Sounds like you guys may need an extra set of hands. I'll grab my gear" Cisco then says, as he goes to do just that.
"Well, looks like we are all going to get to work together on a case" Iris says smiling at Barry, Katrina and Dick.
"Yeah, it's gonna be great" Katrina smiles back, as they get ready to leave.

They enter G.Simone and Associates, Cisco and Barry checking the scene over, while Dick and Joe talk to witnesses, and Katrina and Iris talk to some of the employees. "We just talked to one of the architects here. G. Simone and Associates used to do all of this high-profile design work, casinos, banks, military bases" Iris explains to her dad.

"But...apparently, last year, they have been working with an anonymous client" Katrina adds.
"So, because our thief covered his tracks, we have no idea who that client might be" Joe says to them.
"Hey, look at this" Barry then say, and they start walking over to him, "look at these hard drives. They're fried from the inside like in a massive power surge" he explains.

"A server like this would have some sort of surge protector, right?" Dick asks him.
"A typical metal oxide varistor protects against 1,000 joules" Barry explains.
"How many joules does a lightning bolt have?" Iris then asks.

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