28- Kat's Gonna Kill Me

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Season 5 x 13

Barry was speeding around Katrina and Iris's office moving furniture around for the two of them, as Katrina sat at the desk, Iris leaning over her, as they read a review on their paper. "Well, what do you two think?" Barry asks as they stare intently at the computer.
"Uh, looks great" Katrina replies barely looking at him.

"I mean, I can move the couch against the wall if that'll help..." he says, as he speeds the couch over to the wall.  He looks over to see both women were not paying any attention, "Kat? Iris? It's just couch in the corner or against the wall is pretty much the extent of my interior design knowledge" he says to them.
They both look over at Barry, "Sorry, honey, it's just that it has been a week since we launched The Central City Citizen, and we are struggling to gain readers, and I think we just figured out why" Katrina tells him, as she turns the computer around to show him the review.

Barry walks over to the desk bending over to read it, "'Iris West and Katrina Wayne-Allen first published articles as aspiring online news maven bring one word to mind, 'boring'. Their stories lack the edgy content made popular by sites such as Spencer Young's game-changing Spyn Zone. In short Iris West and Katrina Wayne-Allen plays it safe. Maybe Katrina Wayne-Allen should keep to being a billionaire's daughter and Iris West a cops.'" He finishes reading and looks at them both, "Kat, Iris, come on. You guys can't listen to this, you're both real journalist. You guys don't want to write like Spencer Young. She didn't care about facts" he says to them.
"Yeah, but at least she wrote about things that people cared about" Iris says to him.

"Kinda like I did, when I decided to write about DeVoe" Katrina adds.
"You two want to write about Cicada" he says, and Katrina nods at him, "Fine. Call me if you need me. I'll be at STAR Labs" he says to them.
"Right, of course the cure. Well, we have some digging to do, and I might just have a hunch to start. I will let you know what I find. And you call me if you need any help" Katrina says, as she closes her laptop and both girls grab their jackets, Katrina giving Barry a kiss on the cheek, as her and Iris head out.

Barry stands by Ralph and Caitlin, as she holds the meta-cure in her hand, "So you really think this might be it?" Ralph asks her.
"Cisco sent me the sample to corroborate his findings, and it all checks out. I'm sending it back to him for final processing, " Caitlin says, as she puts it inside the dry ice container, "but I think we may have found a way to suppress the meta genome"
"Great. We can use it to de-power Cicada, stop him for good" Barry says to her and Ralph.

"So, what's the plan? Put this thing in a tranq gun and go all American Sniper on him?" Ralph asks.
"It's not that simple" Caitlin says to him, as she goes over to the computer, "So Cisco's breakthrough came from analyzing identical twins who were hit by the particle accelerator dark matter. Cases where one developed powers and the other didn't. The key difference in both the cases..." she says showing them a brain scan.

"Pituitary gland?" Barry says to her.
"Exactly" she replies, "In some cases, the pituitary gland metabolizes dark matter, thus manifesting in meta-powers"
"So, to turn a meta-huma into a human-human..."Ralph says to her.
"We neutralize the dark matter in the pituitary gland. Except there's one problem" she says as she shows them what would happen when giving the cure, "the cure isn't instant. We would have to immobilize Cicada for long enough for the cure to take effect"

"How long will that take?" Barry asks.
"Best guess? A minute" she answers.
"It's going to be damn near impossible to hold him still for one second much less 60" Ralph says.
"Okay, but we're so close. I mean, there's got to be something we can do, even if we have to think outside the box" Barry says to them.

"I do have one more idea" Caitlin then says, typing on the keyboard, "Van Horn Industries created a peaceful anti-riot device called a Neuro-Stasis Field Generator" she says displaying the schmatics on the screen, "it's basically a bio-EMP that can immobilize any living organism within a confined radius. Of course, the few devices they had built were stolen" she explains bringing up the news article, "I wouldn't even know where to begin looking for them"

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