16- Did You Even Go

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As Barry, Katrina and Nora speed into the Speed Force, Zoom follows, speeding right behind them. He catches up to Barry grabbing him, as the Time Wraith appears and goes after Zoom, trying to take him away. As the Time Wraith grabs a hold to Zoom, Zoom hits Barry, who gets knocked into Katrina and Nora, and they are tossed out of the Speed Force. They land hard on the ground, and the transmitter rolls out of Barry's hand, breaking on the concrete in the alley way.

"No, no, no" Barry calls out as he gets up and goes over to the device, "Damn it!" he shouts, as he looks at Katrina and Nora, who were helping each other up, "I know we shouldn't have done this. Now we have no way to stop Cicada. I don't even know when we are" he says to them.
"Dad, Dad, we can fix this" Nora says to him.

"I can't fix this, Nora. Cisco can't even fix this. This is Wells' tech" Barry tells her.
"Well, lets go back to Wells" Nora says.
"Nora, we can't. Harry...his mind, it isn't what it once was" Katrina tells her.

"I don't mean that Wells. I mean the one that built the particle accelerator" Nora says.
"That's not Wells. That is Eobard Thawne, the Reverse-Flash" Barry says.
"I know. It's just that he's really smart. So I thought maybe we could convince him to help us" she tells him.

"No! Okay, look, no. The only person Thawne ever helps is himself" Barry says, as he turns around and starts to head down the alley way.
"Okay. I'm sorry, I just thought that..maybe...what?" she stops, as Barry had noticed something.

He looks back at Katrina and Nora, "I know when we are" he then says, and they walk closer to see a past version of Barry and Katrina in their suits, knocked out by some dumpsters.

Nora gasps seeing them lying there and starts to go toward them, "No, leave them, leave them, the less that we mess—" Katrina starts to say.
"Mess with the timeline, I know" Nora says to her.
"We know what this is" Barry says looking at Katrina, "Three years ago, we traveled back to this day to get Thawne's help" he says, as he looks at Nora.
"So, you have done it before" she says to them, and they nod at her, as they look over at STAR Labs.

Barry, Katrina and Nora phase into the time vault, where Thawne was sitting inside, starting at the passed out Past-Katrina and Past-Barry. Barry, Katrina and Nora all share a look between one another, as they look at Thawne, "Well, things just got a lot more complicated, didn't they?" he says as he stands up, and turns around to look at them, "Barry Allen and Katrina Wayne" he says, "But which Barry Allen and Katrina Wayne? Clearly, you're both from a lot later than these two" Thawne says pointing to their past selves.

"Way later" Barry says to him, a hint of anger in his voice.
"Way later, so is congratulations in order yet" he then says to the two of them, and they say nothing. Thawne then notices Nora, "Who's your friend? Let me guess. Jesse Chambers. No. Libby Lawrence. Wait. Danica Williams—"
"It doesn't matter who she is" Katrina quickly says to him.

 Danica Williams—""It doesn't matter who she is" Katrina quickly says to him

Oops! Această imagine nu respectă Ghidul de Conținut. Pentru a continua publicarea, te rugăm să înlături imaginea sau să încarci o altă imagine.

He then looks at Katrina and Barry then back at Nora, "She's your daughter. You've brought me your daughter" he looks at them and they stare at him, "it's, um...Dawn if I'm not mistaken" Thawne says to her.
"Nora Grace" she then says.
"Nora Grace" he then repeats, "Oh, that's nice. At least you still have one" he looks at them, and Barry shakes his head at him, "Boy, time travel's so weird. What do you want?" he asks looking at Barry and Katrina.

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