8- Meaning of Family

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Barry, Iris, Katrina and Nora sit in at STAR Labs van parked discreetly by Jitters, "So here's the meta-watch. Press that button, if Spencer's a meta, it'll beep" Barry says handing the watch to Nora.

"But if I press this won't it just detect me?" Nora asks him.
"No, it's already got our DNA in it, so it's designed to pick up on any new meta" Barry explains.
"Nora, If Spencer does turn out to be a meta.." "She could be dangerous, so come right back" Nora cuts off Katrina.
"Yes. One of us would go with you but she knows me, your mom and dad, so.." Iris says to her.

"I got it" Nora says to her, as she puts the watch on.
"Hey, we're here if you need us.." Barry says as Nora leaves the van abruptly.
"Um...okay" Iris sighs, as they wait for Nora to find Spencer.

"I see her" they hear Nora saying.
"All you need to do is get within five feet of her, hit the button, in and out" Iris tells her.
"I know" Nora shortly says to Iris.

Iris looks at Barry and Katrina, "You see what I mean?" she says to them, "half step forward, six steps back.
"It's gonna get better Iris" Katrina tells her, "just give it time"

Nora enters Jitters' and walks over to the counter, "You should totally name one of your dinks after that new female speedster, XS" she hears Spencer saying to the barista. Spencer turns around, almost walking into Nora, "Hi" she says smiling at Nora.

"Hi. Sorry, Spencer" Nora smiles back at her.
"That's okay. Do I know you?" Spencer asks her.

The three of them hear the interaction, "Uh-oh" Barry comments.
"Uh, Nora, you need to press the button" Katrina reminds her.

Nora looks at Spencer, hearing her mothers words, but ignoring them, "No. No, you don't know me" she tells Spencer.
"But you know me" Spencer says back.
"Yes, I do. I...Sorry, you're Spencer Young. I read all your stuff on Spyn Zone. It's a really good app. Fantastic stories and really good writing. I'm a really big fan" Nora tells her.

"Nora" Iris says trying to get her attention.
"I always enjoy meeting a fan. Especially when they're as adorable as you" Spencer says smiling at Nora.

Barry looks at Iris and Katrina, hearing what Spencer said to his daughter, "What's happening?"
"What's happening is that she is flirting with our daughter" Katrina tells him.
"I'll be back.."Iris then says, as she gets up to leave.

"Iris, it's fine, let them flirt" Katrina says to her, "I think it's cute"
"No, no, we need to find out if she's a meta, and flirting isn't going to get us that" Iris says, as opens the van door to leave. Katrina then follows her out, not wanting Iris to ruin things for Nora, "Kat, I can get her out of there" Iris says to her.
"I know, I know, but I mean, this is my daughter right" Katrina says, as they both enter the café.

"Do you have a name?" Spencer asks Nora.
"Nora, Hey" Iris then calls out, as Spencer sees Iris and Katrina both walking over to them.
"Hi" Nora says back.
"Hey" Katrina then says.
"Wait, you know them?" Spencer asks Nora surprised.

"Wait, you know them?" Spencer asks Nora surprised

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