23- Not Helping

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Season 5 x 10

The team was gathered in the cortex trying to discuss what they were going to do about Cicada, "So, we've got good news and some bad news" Iris says to Katrina and Barry, "The good news is that CCPD is still stationed outside of Grace's room and will remain so until Dwyer's been caught"

"But the bad news is that means Dwyer won't be visiting her again anytime soon" Caitlin adds.
"And then the worst news is we have no idea where Cicada would be hiding" Sherloque then says.
"Can we just track him by the dark energy in his dagger?" Barry asks.

"We could, but it's only when he uses it, which thankfully, hasn't been recently" Iris tells him.
"And he hasn't shown up on any facial recognition?" Katrina then asks.
"Unless he decides to make an appearance, we've got zilch" Cisco answers her.

"Which reminds me, where is the rest of Team Flash and Bolt is? Where's baby giraffe,  your winged friend and young Nora?" Sherloque asks.
"Dick is back in Jump City, some things with the team there" Katrina tells him.
"Ralph's visiting his mom. He said to call if we need him" Caitlin says, "And Nora is..."

"Right here" they hear Nora saying as she enters the cortex, "I just stopped by the loft to pick up your blue suit. I figured you'd had enough of green" she says handing Barry his suit.
"Hey, I made that green suit work, though" Barry smiles at her.
"Yes, yes you do hun" Katrina laughs, and so does Nora.

"What is that for again?" Iris then asks.
"Mama Cecile's first day back to the courtroom, and Dad's testimony against Weather Witch" Nora tells her.

"Joss Jackam's trial is later today" Barry says to her.
"Actually babe, it starts in 30 minutes, so we should go" Katrina then tells him.
"Well, my dad is with Jenna visiting Wally, why don't I come with you guys and help support Cecile" Iris then says.
"When are they coming back by the way, feel like they've been gone forever" Barry then says to Iris about her Dad and Jenna.

"Uh, he's not sure after having a psychopath break into his home. I don't think he's in any rush to bring a newborn back to Central City. Besides, Cecile has a lot on her plate with this being her first day back at work" Iris tells them.
"I can't wait to see Weather Witch get what she deserves" Nora says to them, as they all leave to head to the courthouse.

Katrina, Barry, Iris and Nora all sit behind Cecile, as the court begins, "The State v. Joslyn Jackham, Criminal Court of Central City meta-crime number 99512. Welcome back to my courtroom Miss Horton. I trust your maternity leave was enjoyable" the Judge says to her.

Cecile stands up, "Thank you, your Honor. I am very happy to be back at work. Yeah, there never really is enough time with a newborn, is there?" she says.
"There is not" He responds, "you may proceed"
"Thank you, Your Honor. The prosecution intends to prove that between November 20th and 27th, Joslyn Jackam used this device. A so-called piece of meta-tech to unlawfully and intentionally harm the citizens of Central City. Her meta-crimes include massive property damage at Iron Heights,  the grounding of 21 separate flights at Sheldon County Airport and the attempted murder of her own father, Mark Mardon.  Now this attack on her father was..." Cecile pauses as she looks at Joslyn, and starts to feel what Joslyn is feeling, "the attack on her father was premeditated....um...and....the prosecution is seeking the.." she pauses again, and turns around.

"Are you okay?" Iris whispers to her.
"Yeah, just a feeling" she replies, and Katrina and Barry look at her nodding, "I'll be fine" she sighs as she turns back around, "The prosecution is seeking the maximum sentence, Your Honor" she says as she sits back down.

As Barry, Katrina, Iris and Nora all watch Cecile questioning a witness, both Barry and Katrina's cell phones begin to vibrate, they take them out and look at them. The witness notices this, and Cecile turns around to look at them, "We gotta go" Barry whispers to Cecile.

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