29- The Chemist

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Meanwhile, Iris had called Katrina, and told her she had found someone that was willing to talk to them, and needed to meet at Jitters. The two woman sat down across from the man at the table, "Thank you for meeting with us, Mr. Osmack" Iris says to him.
"Call me Brent. It's no problem. Any interview about union reform is time will spent" he says to he.

Katrina gives Iris a quick glance, realizing she had lied to the man about what they wanted to interview him for, "What about worker's opinions? I imagine, as a manager, you must get them all the time" Iris says to him.
"Yeah. I know most of the guys better than their wives" he says to her, and laughs.
"I guess it must be difficult when one of them surprises you" Katrina then says, and he looks at her confused, "that killer that everyone is talking about. Orlin Dwyer" she says quieter, "did he haver say anything that would have indicated how he was feeling or what he was even up to?"

He looks at her starting to be scared, "No comment" he replies.
"Well, then did he give you any kind of clue about where he could be now?" she then asks.
"I said no comment" he repeats.
"Did he threaten you?" Iris asks him, "Look, we know you're scared. A lot of people were scared when DeVoe attacked last year. But the Flash and Bolt defeated him, partially because Mrs Wayne-Allen wrote those articles that encouraged people to come forward with information"
"Those articles helped Flash and Bolt stop DeVoe, with your help we can stop Dwyer" Katrina then says to him.

"Okay" he nods leaning forward, "His paychecks went to a P.O box. But there was a problem once, and I had to forward it to his cousin's house. His name was Robbie something....Robbie....Robbie Byrne" he tells them.
"That's great, thank you Brent" Katrina smiles, written the name down in her notebook.

Barry stands with the seller, "Look it man, I don't have the authority to okay a purchase that large"
"Uh, excuse me. Bartholomew, a word?" Ralph say coming over to Barry, and touching his shoulder.
"Just a.." Barry says to the seller, as he steps away with Ralph.
"What the hell are you doing?" Ralph asks him.
"Okay, this guy has got crates of cop-killing guns. Would you prefer he sells them to criminals?" Barry asks him.

"I would prefer that you not blow our cover and you're going to blow our cover. Come on" Ralph says grabbing Barry's arm, "Come on, man, I asked you to turn off hero mode for, like, ten minutes"
"Okay, whatever, let's not argue about this here, all right? Did you find the Field Generator?" Barry asks as they walk through the market.
"Of course I did. Bu you're not going to like who has it" Ralph tells him.

Barry and Ralph enter another area of the market that was club hang out for the criminals, "Waddaup, Waddup, and welcome. I hear something special in my collection has caught your attention" Goldface says to them.
"You heard right, the Neuro—" "Neuro-Stasis Field Generator?" Godlface cuts off Ralph saying. "That's a nasty but of business if used properly"
"There's nothing proper about the way we're going to use it" Ralph says to him.

"My kind of people. Okay. Let's chop it up, let's make a deal" Goldface agrees, as one of his men comes over to him, and Barry and Ralph share a look.
"Look, we gonna do a deal or—" "Shut your mouth" Goldface says angrily at them, "Unless you want to be one-handed" he warns as the meta cuff on Ralph's wrist starts beeping, and Ralph just looks at Barry, "Thought not. See, here's the thing. Scum recognizes scum. I'm scum. And I've survived this long by recognizing the same. Like you" Goldface places a hand on Ralph's shoulder, "You're scum. I sniffed you coming a mile away"
"Thanks?" Ralph says to him.

"But your partner. I don't sniff nothing on him. And that worries me. So, the question is, who are you?" he comes around facing Barry asking him.
"I can vouch for him. He's just—" "I said, shut your mouth!" Goldface yells at Ralph, as his head guard knees Barry in the back, making him kneel down. A gun was held to the back of his neck as another body guard holds on to Ralph.
"I wanna hear it from him" Gold face says looking at Barry, "I'm only gonna ask once more. Who are you?"

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