2- Zero-G's

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Katrina, Iris and Caitlin stand by the bed, looking over Nora, while Barry sits on the chair holding an ice pack to his head. "I'm sorry I was too late. It took me a while to find where the Legends were. Well, when they were. But we got their Gideon to scan Nora's blood sample" Wally tells them.

"What'd she find?" Barry asks him.
"Negative tachyons" Wally answers.
"Negative tachyons?" Cisco asks him.
"Yeah" Wally says.
"Oh, damn, I was just joking. That's a real thing?" Cisco asks for clarification.

"Yeah, Ava and her team at the Time Bureau have encountered them before but no one knows where they come from, or how they're generated" Wally explains.
"Like dark matter for the space-time continuum" Barry clarifies.
"Exactly. And they're saturating Nora's body and keeping her from entering the Speed Force" Wally says.

"What about taking her on the Waverider? Can the Legends take her back to her time?" Katrina asks him.
"If negative tachyons come anywhere near the Rider's time drives, the reaction will vaporize the ship" Wally answers her.
"That's not good" she sighs, "there's gotta be a way though to get rid of them, right?" she then asks the others.
"I don't know about getting rid of them, but maybe we can offset the tachyon absorption enhancer to negate the reaction somehow" Cisco suggests.

Wally then notices something on the news, "Hey, guys" he says getting everyone's attention.
"A new meta was last seen jumping off the building in order to evade capture after stealing.." "How'd we miss this?" Barry asks.
"I guess this is a parting gift from DeVoe" Iris says to them, "without our STAR Labs satellite we've lost our eyes, our ears, our dark matter scanner, our facial recognition. I mean, we're always gonna be one step behind these metas now"

"Cisco, I told you hook up the Wayne satellite, that I gave personal permission to use" Katrina says looking over at him.
"Kinda been busy" he groans at her.
"Okay, I'll work on this" Barry says taking the tachyon device, "Why don't you guys go help Ralph with the Gridlock crime scene, okay?"

"I can come---" Nora says as she starts to sit up.
"Please, no, just--- we just can't let this get any worse, all right?" Barry says walking away.
"Just relax, okay" Katrina says looking at Nora, "it's going to be okay" she rubs her daughters back.

Katrina leaves Nora to go check on Barry to see if he needed any help, "So, have you figured it out yet?" she asks entering the speed lab.
"Whatever these negative tachyons are, it feels a lot more like science fiction than actual science" he tells her.
"Well, I wasn't really asking about the science, more about the scientist" she says to him.
"You and Nora have a strong connection, and I do to, it's almost effortless, but why are you so intent on sending her back?" Katrina asks him.
"I mean.....what do you mean? First of all she can't stop talking about the future. But I mean, you know the danger that her being here poses to the timeline" he says as he steps away.

"I do know, but I also know you, Barry" she says as he then sits down on the steps. Katrina sighs sitting down beside him, "Barry, you're the guy who went back in time to borrow Snart before he died" she says to him.
"I know" he says.
"You are also the same guy who traveled to 2020 to figure out who Savitar was, and to 2015 to train with Wells, you changed fate to save my life. So, now that our daughter is here, in front of us, asking for our help, you really expect me to believe that you're worried about the timeline"

"Nora Grace shouldn't be here" Barry says to her, "Look, I..I've always wanted a family"
"I know" she looks at him.
"You know, when we got married, I knew that one day we'd decide to have a baby. We would try and you'd get pregnant. I'd be there for the sonogram, I'd hear her first heartbeat, and then she'd come. And we'd take her home, see her first smile, her first tooth, the first time I read to her. Her first steps, the first time she ran. But her being now, don't you feel like we missed all those first, that we skipped all the good stuff?" Barry says to her.

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