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Katrina and Ralph are out in the middle of the woods, setting the Time Sphere up, "So, why again are we using this thing?" Ralph asks her, "thought you could just speed to the future"
"I could, but then Barry is gonna know what I'm up to" she says to him, as she was suited up, and starts to get into the Time Sphere.

Ralph sets up the speed bazooka, "Are you ready?" she then asks him.
"All set to hit 88 miles an hour!" he shouts at her.
She takes a deep breathe, "this is it" she says, putting the key in the Time Sphere, and turning it on, "Okay, open the time breach!" she shouts at him, and Ralph starts it up, and smiles.

Katrina then feels the sphere vibrating, and getting ready to go, "Ralph! Get in here now!" she shouts at him, and he stretches himself toward her, and gets himself inside the sphere, as they blast through the time breach.

At Tannhauser, Caitlin explains what Icicle stole, "So, the Cryo-Atomizer has the ability to disperse particles into the atmosphere, particles that slow down atoms to a grinding halt. And the slower they get.."
"The colder they get" Barry says.
"Yeah" she says.
"How cold are we talking?" Joe asks.

"Absolute zero. And if we combine them with Icicle's meta-powers..." she then brings up an example on the monitor of what he could do.
"He could plunge Central City into a new ice age" Barry says.
"There is some good news. I think we can track the nano-cryo-particles inside the Atomizer. We just have to reprogram an oscillating inversion scanner. Do you mind running to the downstairs storage area and grabbing it?" she says to Barry.

"Mm-hmm" he tells her, as he stars to leave.
"Wait," Carla then says, making him stop, "You should use a modified field array. There's one in the upstairs archives"
"No, no. Actually, the inversion scanner would work best. Thank you" Caitlin says, and Barry nods at her.

"No, no, Not since we upgraded our field arrays last year. You know, you would know that if you visited more, not just when you needed something" Carla says to her.
"Apparently only when I need the wrong thing" Caitlin says back, "The Inversion scanner" she says to Barry.

"The field array" Carla says looking at him.
"I'll get both" Barry then says, "Might take my time" he adds walking away.
"You need help?" Joe asks him, not wanting to stay with Carla and Caitlin.
"No" he replies as he leaves.

After Barry leaves, Joe stars to get a chill, "Is it me or is it getting really cold in here?" he says to Carla and Caitlin, and the three of them realize, "RUN!" she shouts, as Icicle comes into the room, and sends a blast of icy air at Carla and Caitlin. They go flying into the wall behind them, as Joe takes his gun out, and points it at Icicle. Icicle holds his hand out, sending ice at Joe, when Barry comes speeding into the room as the Flash. He races the blast of ice, and gets to Joe, taking the hit, as he knocks Joe to the ground, and they both pass out.

"Two for one" Icicle says as he walks over to Carla and Caitlin, "So, who wants a family reunion? Hmm?" he says laughing.

Sherloque stands in the cortex looking around, one last time, before he was leaving, "Aidue Team Flash and Bolt" he says as he takes the extrapolator out of his pocket. Just as he goes to use it, the alarms start going off indicating that Barry's vitals were extremely low.
Joe checks Barry for a pulse, "Barry? Barry, come on. Come on Bar!" he says scared.
Just then a breach opens up behind him, and Sherloque jumps out, "I can barely feel his pulse" Joe tells him.

"He had hypothermia. His heart rate's dropping. We only have seconds to save him" Sherloque says, as she then tries to break into a cabinet next to them.
"What are you doing?" Joe asks him.
"Well, this...this machine has a large power source, I need to access to save Monsieur Allen" he tells Joe.
"Watch out" Joe says as he rips the plastic panel off.

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