43- Cricket-Freak

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Season 5 x 21

The team all look at the monitor as Caitlin brings up the information on the atomizer, "Here's what we know about the Cryo-Atomizer. Tannhauser originally developed it to combat land fires caused by drought. So, the Cryo-Atomizer can disperse cold air particles into the atmosphere that triggers rainfall, However, if Cicada can replace the cold particles with the cure prototype she stole from Cisco...."
"Which doesn't cure so much as it kills" Cisco says.
"She could infect the entire city" Caitlin finishes saying.

"And ever single meta-human in it" Katrina says a worried look crossing her face. Cecile then feels what everyone in the room was feeling and Joe puts his arm around her.
"Not great" Sherloque says, "But this dark cloud does have a silver lining which is if Cicada had everything that she needs to carry out her plan, would have already done so"

"He's right" Ralph says pointing at Sherloque, "She must be missing something or else it'd be done"
"Yeah, but not for long. She's not gonna waste any time" Barry says stepping forward, "Whatever it is that she needs, she's out there looking for it right now"

"Well, then, we move right away. We get the cure to everyone who needs it, as soon as possible" Iris then says.
"So, we just up and release some game-changing wonder-drug?" Ralph asks.

"We have tested it. We know that it works" Katrina says to him, "People they need a choice, now, more than ever" she adds as she steps beside Barry looking at the team.
"Do we have enough of the cure?" Barry then asks.

Caitlin shakes her head no, as Cisco looks at her, "Not nearly enough""Caitlin, how fast can you make more?" Nora asks her

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Caitlin shakes her head no, as Cisco looks at her, "Not nearly enough"
"Caitlin, how fast can you make more?" Nora asks her.
"Guess we'll find out" she says as she then heads off to get started on making more.

"Okay, good. Umm, now we just need to find some place to distribute it" Cecile then says.
"What about CCPD?" Joe suggests, "It's public, everybody feels safe going there"
"Yeah, but gathering that many metas in one place is gonna make it one big target, right?" Ralph asks.

"Cicada's got the virus and the atomizer, which makes every meta, everywhere a target" Dick then says.
"Well, how about this? You guys make up as much of the cure as you can, Cecile and I will talk to Singh" Joe says to them.

"Yeah" "All right" Barry and Katrina say nodding at him, as he and Cecile leave.
"I'm going to warn Renee" Sherloque says about his new friend, who he had been getting close to.
"Yeah" Barry nods at him, and he leaves as well.

"Okay, let's try and track Cicada II. We need to be ready to face her when we find her" Katrina says to the team.
"Let's take it one step at a time. Follow me" Cisco then says, as he leads everyone out of the cortex, and they all look confused.

They all follow Cisco to his workshop and stare at the object in the middle of the room, "is that the satellite core?" Nora asks him.
"That's right. The reflector panels on the Mirror Gun aren't the only thing we got from the satellite. We also have the core, and, of course, the dagger" Cisco says to them.

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