32- King Shark

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Season 5 x 15

Barry, Katrina and Nora all lay on the street, as people were screaming and running away, "We can't move" Katrina says, as Grodd stands by them beating his chest and roaring. Just then King Shark appears, and they run at one another, and begin fighting


The team was gathered in the cortex, "Ladies, and gentleman, we finally have our hands on the meta-human cure" Cisco says holding it up, as he looks around at everyone waiting for some applause, "Cool, cool. It's not like I spent weeks in the frozen tundra or anything" he comments.

"No, no, no. I think that it's just people are waiting for the inevitable, 'but' that follows such a big statement" Sherloque tells him.
"Mmm, no it's done. And thanks to Caitlin, we even have a way to deliver our silver bullet" Cisco says taking the injector device from her, "so, no, no 'buts'" he says placing the cure inside the injector.
"I believe there is a big 'but' coming" Sherloque quietly says to Nora.
"But we need to test the cure on a meta-human" Caitlin then says.

"Et voila, there it is" Sherloque says.
"What we need is to save the metas that Cicada's targeting because he's not gonna stop killing innocent people" Barry then says.
"The cure is it dangerous?" Dick asks.
"Well, it's an untested serum that alters biology on a cellular level, so, until we try it out on someone we have no way of knowing" Caitlin tells him.

"When we started working on the cure, we decided that it would always be a choice, not a weapon, so all we need is a volunteer" Cisco explains.
"Well, there's quite the conundrum, right? A meta-human volunteer, when the meta-humans in this city have been chased away by us or killed by Cicada, or incarcerated at Iron Heights Prison, so.." Sherloque says.

"No one from either of those groups is gonna want to volunteer" Katrina sighs.
"No, these criminals are not gonna relinquish their powers, although..." Sherloque pauses.
"There's got to be somebody, somewhere" Nora then says.
"Yes, on another Earth" Sherloque then says.
"Oh! I'll call Harry, see if there's anybody from Earth-2 who wants to volunteer" Caitlin then says.
"Yes" Cisco agrees.
"Not really what I was suggesting" Sherloque says.

Just then Barry gets an idea, "Hold on, you don't have to call Harry" he says to them.
"Wait, why not?" Nora asks.
"Because there's already a meta here from Earth-2. One who might not want his powers" he says to them, "Although, it might be pretty difficult to talk to him" he adds.

Caitlin, Cisco, Nora, Barry and Katrina head to ARGUS to talk to Lyla, filling her in on their plan, "King Shark, you really think you can cure him?" Lyla asks them, as they follow her.
"That's the idea" Nora tells her.
"Oh, Lyla, this is, um..." Barry pauses looking at Katrina.
"This is our daughter, Nora Grace" Katrina tells her.
"Your daughter?" Lyla inquires.
"Yeah" Barry says to her.
"I'm from—" "The future, I'm guessing" Lyla says to Nora.

"Yeah, weird, right?" Nora lightly laughs.
"No weirder than waking up one day to find out that your son used to be your daughter" Lyla says, looking at Barry with this comment.

"So, why King Shark?" she then says, as they continue down the hallway.
"Dark matter level vary from meta-human to meta-human, but Shay Lamden's case is the most extreme we've seen. So, we think if we can reverse the effects of a high-level mutation like his—" "You can help all meta-humans" Lyla finishes saying for Caitlin.
"Look, we know King Shark has limited speech, but we're wondering could we try and talk to him? If we're gonna do this, we're gonna need his permission" Cisco says to Lyla.

"Well, you're in luck, Cisco. Lately, he's been quite talkative" she says, as they follow her toward where they were keeping King Shark.
"Normally, we don't bring in outside help, but we got wind that the top ichthyologist in the country was doing research on cases just like King Shark's" Lyla explains, as they walk along the docks, "Actually, I think you may know her"

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