30- Initial Planning

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Season 5 x 14

The team was gathered in the cortex, as Cisco had come back telling them that the cure was almost ready, that they just had to wait for it to be perfect. "We have to wait how long before we can use the meta-human cure?" Barry asks him.
"Not even that long" he says, but then can sense hesitation in his voice.

"Cisco" Katrina says to him.
"It's gonna go by like that" he then says snapping his phone.
"Cisco" Katrina repeats wanting him to get to the point.
"Twenty-nine days" he then tells all of them.
"A month?" Nora questions.

"I know, right? Just one teeny tiny month until we stop Cicada's purge. You know, historically speaking, this is way faster than we've ever stopped a big bad. So..." Cisco says to them.
"We can't wait that long. If he finds another meta or comes after us...we have to speed this up somehow" Barry says to him.
"We have to wait for the compound to fully synthesize or it won't be able to effectively neutralize the dark matter in a meta-human's pituitary gland. Without any way to expedite the exotic evolution..." Caitlin explains.

"Barry, we're gonna have to wait" Cisco says.
"I think we have to wait" Caitlin adds.
"Unless, we took it into the Speed Force" Sherloque then suggests, and they all look at him.
"What? You want him to go into the Speed Force for a month and then, what, come out the same day that he left?" Iris asks him.
"Oh, no, no. I'm not saying you manipulate time. I'm saying you manipulate dark matter. So, very simple, it's simple chemistry, right? When your synthesizing a compound, you use...a substrate, uh..." Sherloque tries to think of the word he wants to say.

"A catalyst" Caitlin says to him.
"Tres bien. Catalyst. Right. And the most efficient catalyst you can use when synthesizing a compound that negates dark matter is superluminal particles" Sherloque says.
"Tachyons?" Nora then says.
"Tres bien,  Tachyons. And the place where tachyons are the most dense.."Sherloque says.

"The Speed Force" Barry then says.
"Et voila!" Sherloque says.
"That might actually work" Caitlin tells the team.
"Yeah, I will. It'll be like nuking it in a pan-dimensional microwave" Cisco says looking at Sherloque, "Nice work"
"I know" Sherloque smiles.

"So, how much time is this going to save?" Katrina asks them.
Caitlin then does the calculations, "From 29 days down to 60 minutes" she says surprised.
"Yeah, it's gonna be faster" Cisco says.
"And also since Cicada has been quiet, since your last encounter, maybe there's no time like the present" Sherloque suggests looking at Barry.

Barry looks at Katrina who nods at him, "Do it" she tells him.
"All right" Barry sighs, "I'll see you in an hour" he says as he speeds off grabbing the cure, changing into his suit and heading off to the pipeline.

Nora speeds after Barry coming to the pipeline, "Nora, you need to stay here" Barry says to her.
"You don't want my help?" she asks him.
"I just...I got this one, this time" he says.
"Are you sure that now's a good time to go? I mean, I just mean the city will be Flash-less, and an hour is a long time to be without the Flash" she says.
He smiles at her, "The city's not going to be Flash-less. It'll have XS and Bolt" he says.

"Yeah, but what about the time you had to spend 24 hours in The Pipeline cell with Mom, and Weather Witch and Silver Ghost stole that ARGUS car—" "And you stopped them without me and your mom" Barry cuts her off.
"But" she sighs, "with what happened to Mom because of Cicada—" "Nora, Kat is fine. And this is the key to stopping Cicada" Barry says, as he holds up the cure, "I gotta go. If anything happens, just do what your mom and I have trained you to do. Slow down and think clearly"
She sighs, nodding at him, "Yeah"
"I trust you. You just gotta trust yourself" he says opening the pipeline, "You'll be fine" he says as he then speeds off.

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