11- Snow Patrol

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Season 5 x 6

The team were all gathered in the cortex, all of them looking at Cisco, "We are back in business" he tells everyone.
"And by business he means 'the better than Sally the satellite' business" Ralph adds.
"And what does that mean?" Nora asks.

"That means we're getting closer to identifying the ever-elusive Cicada" Sherloque clarifies for her.
"It's 'Cicada', Sherloque" Cisco corrects him, "Once I hacked DeVoe's satellites, all I had to do was just use in impact extrapolation algorithm to predict where the shrapnel would've fallen after, Barry, Katrina and Nora pulled the Johnny Cage on Sally the satellite. God rest her soul" Cisco explains.
"So, now we got 46 locations where 46 pieces of shrapnel landed" Ralph then says.

"And one of these locations is where Cicada will have been injured" Sherloque says to the team.
"Expect we don't know which one" Iris then says.
"Or maybe we do. You see, after my hands got sliced but Cicada's dagger, Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman here measured the dark matter in my system" Cisco says, pointing to Caitlin.

"And its levels of concentration where higher than any I'd ever seen before" Caitlin says.
"Insanely high, and the only part of the satellite that would have dark-matter that high...." Cisco points on the monitor.
"The core, which would be where Cicada's dagger came from" Katrina then says.

"So, we find the location of the core and we'll know where Cicada was that night?" Barry then suggests to the team.
"You know FEMA set up sites to help people after the Enlightenment. If Cicada was injured, maybe he received medical treatment at one of them?" Caitlin also suggests to the team.

"That's a great idea. I mean, we could check with FEMA to see if any fathers matching Cicada's description reported any injuries near the crash site" Barry says.

"So, we split up" Sherloque says to everyone.
"Great, Iris and I are great at tracking things down, so we will find the core of the satellite" Katrina says to them.
"I will come with you, and everybody else, look for the names" Sherloque says as he walks over to Katrina and Iris.

"Umm, do you mind if I actually come with you guys, too?" Nora then says, and they look over at her, "Just that I saw Aunt Iris jump off a building last week, and that was awesome. And I haven't had much one-on-one time with mom, besides when we take down metas. So, I thought maybe I'd come with you two while you did some detective work?" she says, as Iris and Katrina smile at one another.

"Oh, I think three people is going to be more than enough for what we need—" Sherloque quietly tries to say to them.
"What he's trying to say is that we would love to have you come with us" Iris says to Nora.
"What you're Aunt said" Katrina smiles at Nora, as she walks over to them, and the four all leave.

"All right, well, why don't Dick and I talk to FEMA, see if we can get some names?" Ralph then suggests.
"Sounds good to me" Dick agrees.
"Hey, I know Joe's been itching to get out of the house, and since Dick hasn't been switched over to CCPD yet, it might help to have an actual badge" Barry suggests to them.

"Nobody does case snacks like Joe West. We'll swing by on the way" Ralph says to him.
"All, right cool" Barry says as Dick and Ralph both leave the cortex together.

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