15- Back In Time

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Season 5 x 8

Sherloque, Ralph and Dick were in Ralph's car, staking out Orlin Dwyer, Sherloque trying to capture some good pictures, "How many did you shoot?" Ralph asks him.
"Shot, like, 100" Sherloque replies.
"Are any of them good?" Dick leans forward from the backseat asking, and Sherloque just sighs.
"Guess, we'll just have to keep shotting till we get it right" Ralph then says.
"I guess so" Sherloque says as he takes another shot of Orlin, heading inside the hospital.

Once done, they headed back to STAR Labs, and gathered the team to tell them about their intel, "Orlin Dwyer" Sherloque says showing one of the photos he had managed to get.
"Near as we can tell he grew up in the Midwest. In and out of juvie, pretty much fell off the map, and then popped up in Central City a few years ago" Ralph tells them.
"He's a part-time employee of Szerk Chemicals for the last two years. Foreman told us that he keeps to himself, that he's pretty much a loner" Dick goes on to say.

"Gave a fake address" Ralph then says.
"Did take custody of his niece" Sherloque says, as Ralph changes the picture to her, "Grace Gibbons" the three of them say together.
"After her parents were unfortunately murdered by a meta-human. Now—" Sherloque pauses.

"Now we know why Dwyer hates metas. Once he got his powers, he started targeting them" Ralph says.
"Powers that he received the night of the Enlightenment, as you guys know when he was struck by a shard from the STAR Labs satellite explosion" Dick says.
"Which was also the same night that Grace went into a coma" Ralph then says.

"Where Dwyer visits her every day, every night for the last three weeks" Sherloque says to all of them.
"So he's there now" Barry says to them.
"Yeah" "Oui" "Yeah" the three of them say to Barry.
"Then let's go get him" Barry then says.

Sherloque looks at Barry,  "'Let's go get him'" he repeats Barry's words, "How are we going to do that? Look, as always, I respect your spirit, Barry Allen, but as long as Cicada has his dagger to dampen your powers, there's no stopping him"
"So, let's destroy his dagger" Barry suggests.

"How are we going to do that? Unless we have some kind of power-dampening dagger power-dampener hidden away in storage?" Ralph says to the team.
"We don't, but if we did, we'd come up with a much better way of saying that" Cisco says to him.
"Sure. I mean, just, like, dagger-dampener.." Barry says.

"Yeah, that's actually...that's decent cause you're running into" Cisco says.
"Sir Damps-a-lot" Ralph suggests.
"Got to abbreviate. P.D.P.D." Sherloque suggests.
As everyone then starts trying to figure out a new name for the dagger, Nora who had been sitting there with her journal, going through it, comes up with a idea, "Guys..." she says, gaining everyone's attention, "What if we could make one?" she asks them.

"Make one what?" Barry asks her.
"What if we can make a weapon more powerful than his weapon? Cicada can control his dagger. So, what we would need would be something more powerful than his connection to it" Nora explains to them.
"So, like some kind of supercharged magnet?" Katrina asks her.

"Exactly" Nora says to her.
"I don't know if we have anything strong enough for that. We made Sally out of a micro-composite alloy. As far as satellites go, she was heavy-duty" Cisco says to her.

"And even if we could get our hands on the dagger, we'd still have to figure out how to take the dark matter out to negate its powers" Caitlin then says.
"Exactly right. Now what you're suggesting is we find an alloy...No. Indestructible alloy that has super magnetic properties but also has the ability to negate dark matter. I mean, where are we going to find such a thing?" Sherloque says to them.

"The past" Nora says standing up.
"The past?" Barry asks her.
"You've aready come across everything that we need, right? A strong alloy with magnetic properties" she says to him.

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