27- Perception Gaps

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Nora walks with Grace through the hospital, "Grace, what are we doing here?" she asks confused.
"You wanted to go to my last memory?" Grace tells her, as she continues down the hall.
"Yeah, but I thought that was supposed to be at the fair" Nora says looking around, as she then sees Grace was gone. "Grace?" she calls out, "Hello?"

Just then Nora hears a news report coming from the hospital room nearest her, "The destructive phenomenon emanated from a satellite that had fallen into a decaying orbit. Thankfully before the satellite could strike the city, it created what scientists believe..."

She enters the room to see Grace laying in the bed, Orlin by her side, "How does she remember this?" Nora asks.
"A catastrophic event. A new meta was last seen jumping off a building in order to evade capture" a report continues and Orlin looks at the tv, hearing this. He then holds his hand out, and his dagger comes flying into his hand, and Nora gasps.

"I wanna make this right, Gracie. Every meta, will die" he says to his niece. Just then he flickers, and so does the Grace in the bed, and he disappears.
Grace sits up in the hospital bed looking at Nora, "Grace, how did you hear Orlin that night? You were in a coma" she says to her.

"I know, but I've been listening" she whispers to Nora.
"You have to stop" Nora then hears the Doctor say from out in the hall.
"Not until I'm finished" Orlin replies, and Nora sees the two of them appear in the doorway.

"Did they come after you tonight?" the doctor asks Orlin.
"I killed their partner, Vibe. There was another woman there, too. Banged me up pretty bad/ She had speed. I think she's the Flash and Bolt's daughter" he tells her, as they then flicker out.

Nora starts to feel scared, "Grace, I don't know what you think Orlin said" she says to her.
"You said you looked everywhere. I get it now. You have speed. You're here, aren't you? You're the Flash and Bolt's daughter. You're the one who hurt my uncle" Grace says anger building inside her.

Just then the room starts to go dark, and wind begins to pick up, "Grace, I want to help you" Nora tells her, as a machine behind her then sparks causing Nora to yelp

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Just then the room starts to go dark, and wind begins to pick up, "Grace, I want to help you" Nora tells her, as a machine behind her then sparks causing Nora to yelp.
"No, you don't. Uncle Orlin told me about you. You and your parents are trying to hurt him" Grace shouts at him.
"Only because he's trying to hurt other people. Innocent people" Nora tells her, as the door comes flying off the hinges.

"No! He only hurts metas, like the one who killed my parents! Like you! You're a meta and a liar!" Grace yells at her.
"All metas aren't bad" Nora tries to tell her, as the window then shatters, and Nora protects herself from the glass.
"My uncle is a hero. He protects people. And I protect my uncle!" Grace shouts at her.

Nora bends down protecting herself from another spark from a machine, as she then looks at her hands, seeing the lighting disappearing, "My powers are gone!" she says as she stands up and sees Cicada standing in the doorway. He looks at Nora, and goes to attack her, and she evades the swing of his dagger. She grabs and IV pole, and shoves it at Cicada, knocking him down as she runs out of the hospital room.

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