18-Where Kat Is

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Oliver and Barry were out in the yard, Oliver teaching Barry the proper way to shoot arrows, "Again" Oliver tells Barry, and Barry does so, hitting another paint can.
"Come on, man. I've been shooting paint cans all afternoon" Barry says.
"Unless a paint can rewrote reality and made us swap lives, then you need actual combat training, Barry" Oliver says to him.
"All right, fine. You know what? Why don't you go over there, run at me, and I'll try and hit you with an arrow?" Barry then says.

Oliver smiles, knowing what Barry was trying to do, "Right, okay. Where did you bury the remote-controlled bows?" he asks.
"Dude, come on, I'm not you" Barry says.
"Yeah, well. Okay" Oliver replies, as he speeds away, then gets in position, "Ready!" he shouts out.

Barry gets the shot ready, "Here we go" he says to himself, as he then lets the arrow go, Oliver speeding toward him, and catching the arrow.
"Nice try" Oliver laughs, as he holds the arrow in his hand, just then Oliver is shot in the back with two arrows, and Barry starts laughing, a little too enthusiastic about what he did to Oliver.

"Nice try" Oliver laughs, as he holds the arrow in his hand, just then Oliver is shot in the back with two arrows, and Barry starts laughing, a little too enthusiastic about what he did to Oliver

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"I've been waiting four years for that, man" Barry smiles, as Oliver groans in pain and turns around, "Oh, it's priceless, hold on. I need to get a photo" Barry says taking his phone to photograph the evidence that he shot Oliver.
"What?" Oliver asks him.
"Boom, I got it. Don't worry, hold on" Barry says as he puts the phone away, "One second" he says pulling the arrows out of Oliver's back. "That's great" Barry laughs, seeing Oliver in pain.
"Do you think this is funny? Do you think my skills are a joke?" Oliver says anger in his voice.
"Come on, man. I was a much better sport when you shot me" Barry says to him.
"I shot you to teach you a how to case an environment. You shot me to get a laugh" Oliver says to him.
"All right" Barry says to him.
"You know what? Fine, come at me, try to get one hit in" Oliver says to him.
"Deck him, Barry!" Lois then shouts and they look at her, "What? He's a jerk" she says quietly to Kara and Clark, who had all been standing on the porch watching.

Barry looks at Oliver, "I'm not doing this. This isn't how I train" he tells him.
"Oh, you train? Really? I thought your powers just dropped out of the sky" Oliver says to him.
"If you're trying to get a rise out of me, it's not gonna work" Barry says.
"You need a peanut gallery?" Oliver then asks, "Can you not do anything without your wife by your side, or your team in your ear?"
"Are you serious, man? Felicity invented quarterbacking" Barry argues with him.

"You need a peanut gallery?" Oliver then asks, "Can you not do anything without your wife by your side, or your team in your ear?""Are you serious, man? Felicity invented quarterbacking" Barry argues with him

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