1- Schway

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Season 5 x 1

Everyone stares at the mystery woman who arrived at the welcome home party, she had just dropped the bomb, that she was Katrina and Barry's daughter, and tells them a little about her, and they are all still confused.

"You're saying your, our daughter" Barry says to her.
"From the future" Katrina adds.
"Named Nora Grace " Barry questions.
"After your mother" she looks at Barry saying, "and yours" she adds looking at Katrina.

"Anybody need a refill?" Cisco suddenly asks and they look at him, "No? Just me?" he says chugging back the rest of his champagne

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"Anybody need a refill?" Cisco suddenly asks and they look at him, "No? Just me?" he says chugging back the rest of his champagne.
"Cisco Ramon, always cutting the tension with a joke" Nora says laughing.

"You know our names?" Caitlin asks her.
"Of course. I know all of you. You're Caitlin Snow, Ralph Dibny, Papa Joe, Mama Cecile" she says going around the room, and then gasps, "Little Auntie Jenna. She's so cute, and Uncle Wally. Although Uncle Richy isn't here, probably still in Jump City with his team" she says to them.
"Uh.....and your nickname is 'XS'?" Wally asks her.
"Clearly not my doing" Cisco says drinking out of the champagne bottle.

"No, uh, it's a nickname that you gave me when I was a kid Aunt Iris" Nora says looking over at Katrina and Iris.
"Aunt?" Iris questions.
"You said I did everything in excess" she tells her, "Guess I've always been like that. Overdoing things, getting in way over my head. Like, uh, recently"

"This mistake that you made?" Barry asks her.
"Big mistake" Nora says.
"Which was what exactly?" Katrina asks her.
"Helping you two save the city by destroying the STAR Labs Satellite last night" she explains.

"You were the other speedster?" Barry says to her.
"I just couldn't stop myself from getting involved. But something happened when I did, because now, I can't seem to go fast enough to open up the Speed Force" Nora explains to them.
"Par..pardon me. Are we talking about actual time travel here?" Ralph suddenly asks.

"Do you just like, not pay any attention while we have our briefings?" Cisco asks him.
"Y'all didn't teach him about the Legends" Wally pipes in.
"Look, nobody said bupkis about time travel!" Ralph says loudly, and Jenna starts getting fussy.
"Shh!" Caitlin quiets Ralph, "Come on, Ralph. You're scaring the baby" she says to him.

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