12-Not Alone Anymore

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Barry heads into the work room, where Caitlin was creating the serum, "I found a path into the DOD base. As long as Cisco can shut down the interior alarms, it'll work" he tells her and her father.

"Awesome, I just need to balance this serum and then we should be good to go" Caitlin says to him.
"Thank you for this, Caity" Thomas says to his daughter, "I mean, what you're doing is beyond the call"
"Of course, you're my dad. I'd do anything for you" Caitlin tells him, as Cisco comes into the room.

"He's not your dad" Cisco says, as he holds a dish with skin grafts in it, "look familiar?" he asks Thomas.
"Cisco" Caitlin says walking toward him, "What are you talking about? This is my father"
"I went back to the Tannhauser black-ops site. And I picked up a vibe. I saw him working in the lab—" he explains.
"Cisco, you're vibes have been a little problematic—" Barry says to him.
"I know what I saw! I saw him standing over the incubator, this one he claimed he had no use for, and he was working on this" Cisco says, showing Caitlin.

She takes the dish, "Skin grafts? What does this have to do with anything?" she asks him.
"This is gonna sound whacked out, but what if when your dad tried to cure his ALS, it didn't just give him crystallized skin. What if it really did create that dual personality, his Killer Frost?" Cisco asks them, glancing over at Thomas.
"That's who you think this is?" Barry asks Cisco, "Thomas' alter ego wearing a copy of his face made of these skin grafts?"
"Yes, I know. I know it sounds..." Cisco stammers.

"It sounds absurd" Thomas interrupts, "But I can see where Mr. Ramon is getting his hypothesis" he walks over to them, "My, uh, cryo malignancy, spread further than I admitted" he says, unbutton the top of his shirt and showing them his blue crystalized skin. And it's affected my face, my hands, my arms, my chest. And I created those skin grafts from stem cells that I found in the lab in order to cover any further outbreak"
"You're lying to us" Cisco says to him.

"Cisco" Caitlin says looking at him.
"Caitlin, you have to see—" "No, you need to leave us alone" she cuts him off.
"Please" he pleads.
"Now!" she shouts at him, and he storms off.

Barry looks at Caitlin, "I got it" he says as he takes off after Cisco.
"Hey, dude, dude we need to talk" Barry calls out to Cisco following him down the hall.
"Why? I thought that dramatic confrontation worked perfectly" Cisco says to him.
"Look we all want to help Caitlin" Barry says to him.
"Oh, do you?" Cisco asks.

"Yeah, I want Caitlin to have a chance to be with her father" Barry says.
Cisco stops, turning around to look at Barry, "Just like Nora got the chance to be with you? See, this is your problem, you think that this is just another perfect father-daughter pairing reunited"
"I'm not blinded by my feelings" Barry says to him.

Cisco stops, turning around to look at Barry, "Just like Nora got the chance to be with you? See, this is your problem, you think that this is just another perfect father-daughter pairing reunited""I'm not blinded by my feelings" Barry says to him

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"Well, they're not helping you see any clearer. You gotta stop thinking about this like Nora's dad and start thinking about it like a CSI. Please? Don't do it for me, do it for her" Cisco says as he walks away from Barry, leaving Barry to think about what to do.

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