33- Gorilla Grodd

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Dick grabs Iris and himself another cup of coffee, as Joe comes in, walking over to them, "Hey Joe, I didn't know you were back" Dick says greeting him.
"Yeah, I got back last night, heard you guys had some crazy past few days" he says heading over to were Iris had been sitting.
"Yeah, yeah we have" he tells Joe, as his sits down across from Iris.

Iris then sees her dad, "Dad?" she says surprised about seeing him there.
"I went by your office to talk to you" Joe says to her as he sits down beside her.
"Dad, look, I, Um..." she starts to say.
"Don't. Don't try it. I heard about this crazy time loop you all got stuck in" he says to her.

Iris and Dick both share a look with one another, as they then look at Joe, "Yeah, Cisco and Nora told us what happened in every version. And although I don't remember any of them, just knowing what did happen—" Iris says to him.
"You weren't scared" Joe tells her.
"I don't know. I mean, Kat and I broke into Cicada's home. Dad, I tired to fight him, but Kat was better at it. And as terrifying as that was, I mean, at least I could react to it, you know? But now....Now that he knows who I am, and who my family is, I mean, he could show up at any moment. I just....I.... I feel—"

"Powerless" Joe says for Iris.
"Yeah" she agrees, as Dick reaches over and takes her hand, "I just....I don't know, I can't go back there"
"Okay" Joe then says to her, as he stands back up, "Get up" he tells her.

"Dad, I just told you. I...I don't wanna go back there. You know?" she says to him.
"I'm not taking you there" he says, as he closes her laptop.
"Then where?" she asks.
"Someplace where I can show you how powerful you really are. Pack it up, come on. Oh, and Richard, you can come along too, I may need your help" Joe says looking at him.
"Yes, sir" Dick says to him, as he looks at Iris, and Joe starts to leave, "We should go, see what he has in mind" he says to her.
"Uh, yeah, sure" she says to him, as she gathers her things, and the two of them leave.

Barry holds Katrina's hand as they sit on the rooftop of Wayne Manor, her head leaning on his, "I'm surprised this place is still standing" Barry says to her.
"I paid for a security firm to come and check on the place every other week, to make sure there's no squatters. Dick and I haven't decided what we're going to do with it, we thought about leaving it to Jason, but he doesn't want it. I don't blame him, this place he never really knew like Dick or I did. It's a place that holds a lot of memories" she says to him.
"Maybe one day we can make it our own" Barry says to her.

"Yeah, maybe" she sighs, "maybe we should head back"
"Yeah, I should apologize to Caitlin and Cisco, they were right, so were you, I shouldn't have given the cure to Shay without his permission" he says to her.
"Yeah, well, now we can give him the choice" Katrina says, as they stand up, and speed back to Central City.

Barry and Katrina enter Cisco's workshop, "Guys, hey. Um...I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I was definitely too harsh" Barry says, as Cisco looks at him and Katrina, an odd expression on his face. Cisco suddenly punches Barry across the face, then sends a vibe at Barry and Katrina, causing them to go flying into the work desk behind them.

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