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Barry and Katrina head up to the lounge, "Mom, Dad, we're all set to celebrate—" Nora says to them.
"No, hey, um....actually Hersch isn't Cicada" Barry tells them.
"What?" Nora asks confused, "He has to be"
"No, hunny, your dad and I, we checked Cicada's boot print from both the Gridlock and Block crime scenes, and they are three sizes larger than Hersch's" Katrina tells her.
"It's not him" Barry adds.

"Oh, no, of course it's him. It's always Hersch" Sherloque says to them, and they look at him confused, "Every time I capture Cicada, it's always the same man"
"Wait a minute, you've caught this guy before?" Cisco asks him.
"Thirty-seven times, I've captured 37 Cicadas, 37 different Earths. And every time I capture him, the trail always leads back to that Earth's David Hersch" he explains to them.
"So, this psychological profile that you created, you just made it up" Cisco then says to him.
"Not the first time, nor the next 36. Then I just trot it out there, you know, to impress the client. And then, " he snaps his fingers, "skip to the end"

"And here I thought you were just a bad detective. But you're not a bad detective, you're just a lazy one" Cisco says annoyed.
Sherloque speaks French at him, then goes to English, "I'm not lazy, I'm efficient, right? Look, anyway, that's not the—" he hits Cisco.
"Ow!" Cisco shouts at him.
"All right, the point is simply that there's no reason for the Cicada of this Earth to be anyone other than David Hersch" Sherloque says to the group.
"Well, there may be one reason" Iris then says.

"What is that?" Sherloque asks her.
"The timeline" Iris answers him.
"Yeah, since Nora got here, things have changed a bit" Barry then informs him.
"Oh, man, you must.....How can you not tell me this? How am I expected to operate when you don't give me all the variables?" Sherloque says annoyed.

"I don't know. But what we can expect is a refund, so.." Cisco says to him.
"Yeah" Katrina agrees crossing her arms and looking at Sherloque.
"No, well, that money's long gone" he tells them.
"What, what do you mean that 'it's gone'? You spent all that money in one day?" Cisco asks him.

"Right" he says to Cisco.
"On what?" Cisco asks.
"My ex-wife-es. Ex-wives. Seven marriages, five wives, lots of alimony. That's not the point. The point is simply, this is not my fault" he passes his martini to Cisco, as he turns to look at Nora, "This is your fault. She is to blame. Timeline variance" he scoffs as he storms away from them all.

"Dad. You're not gonna let Hersch off the hook because of a boot print. He's a meta. How do we know what this guy can do?" Nora says to Barry.

"That's the other thing. Hersch has no dark matter readings. He's not a meta. All right, remember, from one CSI to another, we have to look at the facts. Right? We got the wrong guy" Barry says to his daughter.

"No, not this time. You know what we should do? We should throw him in The Pipeline for safekeeping, until he talks" Nora says looking at Barry and Katrina, "I'm gonna go get him"

She starts to leave, and Barry grabs her shoulders, stopping her, "Hey, what are you...No, you're not. We're not gonna kidnap a suspect in police custody. If you don't see what's wrong with that, you can sit this one out." Barry says to her.

Nora looks at him then at Katrina, before speeding away from them.

"Well, guess we're back to square one with Cicada" Cisco says pouring the one Martini into the other.

"Yeah" Katrina sighs, "let's jut hope it's not too late to save his next victim"

Katrina cleans up the drinks, as Barry stands out on the balcony, she sighs, as she goes over to him, seeing that he had a lot on his mind, "Mind still swirling around up there?" she asks, placing her hand on his back.

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