Well i've seen her all over social media so i always knew how she looked. Fierce, intimidating with her dirty blond pin-straight hair that's never out of place, her beige pantsuit and bold red lip.

"So do all of you, to be fair." I chuckle scanning over the menu. I can hear my bank account crying now.

"So how is your kid, husband, wife? What's up with you?" Mariana asks. "Freshmen have a spouse alright. She asked me for a divorce attorney the other day." Fallon says in a knowing tone.

Everyone begins making random noises that indicate they were very interested in my divorce.

"I married a stranger for fun nearly a decade ago and now I'm divorcing him." I said keeping it simple and not mentioning the fact he's crazy and thinks he's in the mafia or how he's refusing to divorce me at the moment.

"I hope you used him well before he passed." Fallon says. "Who?" I was confused. "Mr.Peyton, the lawyer I sent you." she says.

I stare at her blankley. "Shit. he died a few days ago. I thought you knew." she says. "No I didn't." "yea, he was murdered in his own home, never caught the killer." she says.

I sigh deeply knowing I had already paid him to be my attorney and I couldn't afford a new one at this moment. Fuck my life.

"That's depressing." mason groans. "Talk about something else like your kid. I remember seeing you and Mari walking around ap english class, nine months and all." he says.

Ah yes the days where I was mocked, bullied and harassed by fellow highschool students for being the freshmen pregnant girl.

"Well um, my son is doing good. He's at school right now." I said. "Oh what school?" Fallon asks. "Seaborn Academy." they all made random noises again indicating damn, fancy ass school.

"Damn. fancy ass school." Mason says amused. "Aaron and Carter actually got accepted to that school but I'm not sure if I want to send them." Mariana says.

Aaron and Carter were her twin boys, i had only met them once before she had graduated from high school, they were small babies. Should be Artemis' age. "You should,my son's musical ability has expanded so much. What did your boys get accepted for?" I ask.

"Aaron for music and Carter for sports." she says i smile at her and tell her that her boys must have talent because as i said it's really hard to get into that academy.

"Enough about me, you guys? Any spouses or dating? Kids?" I ask. "I'm glad you brought that up because I did meet a girl.." mason says. The whole table makes unnecessary noise again except this time I am joining them.

"Uh huh! Blonde, short hair, about 5'5, green eyes, freckles and a banging body." he begins describing the girl. "What's her name!?" Mariana asks excitedly. "Dylan and she's such a badass, I think I'm in love." he melts into his seat.

"Do we get to meet her?" I ask. "Well i'm not with her yet, we just really really like each other." he admits making all of us groan. "Well, I met a girl too and I'm actually going out with her." Fallon intejects.

"Her name is Honey. Red head, business woman like me, brown eyes and also a banging body as mason would say." she describes her new date.

The rest of the lunch hour goes by with all of us talking about our love lives, kids and past experiences at school. It was nice to catch up with them, I felt as if I was in highschool all over again.

We all made a promise we'd see each other again and possibly bring our dates and kids. As I moved to unlock my car, going to get my child from school, a chilling image set me off.

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