Chapter 49

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After the release of the new book by "The Flightless Bird", Weibo, which had been struggling for a day, finally collapsed.

In fact, although the author of "Flightless Bird" has a great influence in the online literary circle, it is still limited on Weibo. Compared with those big stars, it is limited, and even not as high as Mr. J's discussion.

The appeal of his readers is far from enough to paralyze Weibo. The main reason is that the previous accumulation of too much traffic news has survived so much. The programmer tremblingly thought that the matter was finally over. , Now you can relax, just relax for a short while, the result is like the last straw that crushes the camel.

It just collapsed! !

At this time, programmers don't know whether it is time to scold Shi Fei to really mess up, or to blame the ‘flightless bird’ for picking up new articles during this period.

(Touching Mo) I took a handful of hair that I saw less and less, wiped a handful of bitter tears, and quickly went to maintain the system.

The programmer looks helpless here, and the author of Dianniang's website is also miserable. Judging from the previous situation of the "flyless bird" posting, as long as he posts it, he will definitely kill the version. The website was half a month ago. It was announced that the "flyless bird" was about to open a new article in half a month. As a result, a bunch of authors were afraid to post a new article during this period, worrying that they would be miserable if they hit the data during the same period.

Shi Fei threw the new article up without worrying about the data, so he grabbed the book and chewed on it. He will have an exam tomorrow. Today, he will take a stand.

The book I just read is "Murphy's Law".

If Ming Lihui, his head teacher, sees this, he will be ranting again. You are a high school student who read "Murphy's Law" in your high school exam review. Will you test these in high school subjects?

The next day, Shi Fei found out the long-term useless books, took a brand-new book and loaded it in, dressed up and went to Jiahuan Private School.

Except for signing up at the beginning of semester, Shi Fei did not show up for a whole semester, and the new security guard at the school stopped him.

"Which students go in and out of this school every day, I remember clearly, which school are you the student who wants to come in? You want to come after Yi Jialin again?" The security guard said with a serious expression on his face. With.

"Big brother, this Yi Jialin is the name of a boy. You can see that I am a boy. Can I come to chase a man?" Shi Fei said as he took out his student ID and handed it to the other party.

The security guard saw the name and photo above, hesitantly compared Shi Fei wearing a mask and hat, and asked in a low voice: "You pull the mask down a bit."

Shi Fei looked at no one, (gan Gan) took off his mask, "Big Brother, look at it."

The security confirmed his identity, and then said, "Go in."

When he left, Shi Fei heard the murmur of the security guard coming from behind: "Why is it a beautiful face, why should I block it? Is it because of a cold."

The three horizontal lines of Shi Fei hung down directly, so the security guard didn't recognize him at all just now, and didn't know who he was.

Shi Fei wanted to take a short cut to avoid the brigade, so he deliberately picked the road to the music teaching building. When he passed the music teaching building, he heard a clear and sweet sound coming from it.

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