Arizona: Is this real? Y/n Sloan-Robbins, did you really did this?
Y/n: There's only one moment where you are 10 years together with the love of your life. Of course it needed to be an unforgettable night, so I went all out.
Arizona: But this? I can't believe what I see.
Y/n: All for the prettiest, sweetest, funniest women in the world. Who is so much more than what I just said and is my beautiful wife.
Arizona: I'm so lucky being your wife. This is a dream coming true.
Y/n: This was your dream?
Arizona: Actually, I didn't know this was my dream.
Y/n: I already live my biggest dream. You and the kids are my dream.
Arizona: I love you so much y/n and I can't wait to love you even more the coming years.

Arizona kissed your cheek and hugged you tight, burying her face in the crook of your neck.

Y/n: I love you too babe. Are you ready for take off?
Arizona: Yes, only on one condition.
Y/n: And what will that be?
Arizona: You hold me close the whole time. From the moment we go up in the air until we are back on the ground.
Y/n: I was already planning on doing that, because I love holding you close to me.
Arizona: And I love it when you are holding me close, I will always love that.

After the ride
Arizona: This was absolutely amazing. The view and experiencing this with you. This was truly magical.
Y/n: I'm glad you liked it, but this was definitely not the end of the night babe. 
Arizona: There is more?
Y/n: Of course there is more. Like I said; tonight has to be unforgettable.
Arizona: It is already a night I will never forget. You surprised me with a freaking hot air balloon.
Y/n: Lets get in the car to drive to our next destination my love.
Arizona: Can I first thank you for the most amazing surprise ever?
Y/n: Depends on how you will thank me.
Arizona: I was thinking about something like this.

Arizona pulled you in by your coat and crashed your lips together in a passionate kiss. When you both pulled away after a minute you stayed in each others embrace a bit longer before walking back to the car. You got in the car and drove to a special place. You were 20 minutes in the car when Arizona turned to look at you.

Arizona: So I guess you won't tell me where we are going?
Y/n: I can give you a hint if you want.
Arizona: Please tell me. I already needed to wait so long for the hot air balloon surprise.
Y/n: This place means a lot to the both of us. It's probably where it all started.
Arizona: This is so hard. At the moment I can't think about what it probably is.
Y/n: Something about you not knowing what this place is, is hurting me.
Arizona: Now, I feel so bad for not getting the hint. Are we close to this place?
Y/n: It's like two streets from here.
Arizona: Wait, are we going to the hospital?
Y/n: No, dummy. Although with me saying; it's were it started, I can see why you think that.
Arizona: I will just wait and see. My mind can't take it right now. I need to know, because I'm so excited.
Y/n: We are here. Lets get our asses out of the car.
Arizona: Now I get it. This is so cute. The place where I knew I wanted to get to know you more.
Y/n: Lets have some dinner my love. I'm hungry and I hope you are too.
Arizona: I'm hungry too and I would love a good old burger. We need to hurry, because we both know what happens when you get hungry, mrs. Grumpy when hungry.

Later that night on the phone
Carina: They are all good. They are angels as always.
Maya: She is right and Tayla loves playing with Timothy. She is reading him a story right now.
Carina: And Rosey is asleep. In 30 minutes we will put Timmy and Tayla to bed. So how was your night?
Arizona: I don't have words for it, but I've never been surprised like this before.
Maya: It sounds like a great night. We can't wait to hear all about it soon.  Are you at the hotel right now?
Y/n: We just arrived here after we did some drinks at the bar after having dinner.
Carina: Enjoy the rest of the night. As you get what I mean.
Arizona: We will Carina, no doubts about that.
Y/n: Thank you for taking care of the kids tonight girls and thank you for facetiming.
Maya: Have a wonderful night. Bye.
Y/n: So now we are all alone again. What do you want to do?
Arizona: I was thinking about something without clothes.
Y/n: Uhm okay. I think we can make that happen.
Arizona: So please y/n, will you already kiss me.

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