68 - Yuna's Flashback

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5 days before the kidnapping

"Ryujin unnie? Why'd you wanted to talk at this hour?"

I asked groggily, rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes. Ryujin unnie was standing at the balcony, staring up at the night sky. The rest of the girls were sleeping, and I wondered how Ryujin unnie got out without Yeji unnie noticing. From what I know, they cuddle when they sleep.

"I have a huge favor to ask you, Yuna-yah..."

"Oh, what is it?"

A moment of silence. I grew nervous and by now, I was fully awake. I have a feeling that this was about something big, because Ryujin unnie had a solemn expression on her face.

"She's just around somewhere out there, and she's waiting for a chance to take me again."

"Unnie... Don't talk like that."

"Its the truth, Yuna. There's no point beating behind the bush."

She was right. I knew it too that she was already making her move to make Ryujin unnie's life miserable again, but it was a bitter pill to swallow. Ryujin unnie was getting better, but here she comes again to mess her around. If only I could do something, anything, to help then I'll do it.

"What did you wanted me to do?"

"My masterplan."

"Ryujin unnie, I don't want to fall for that again. You had me back then when we were younger, but not again. I won't fall for those selfless plans you have."

"We have no other option."

"We have, if we make one."

"Then tell me, what else can we do?"


"Hide? That's bullshit, we both know that its not gonna stop her from hunting me down til the end of the world."

Again, she was right. Jennie Kim was boundless, and she was a cunning and twisted woman. She could do anything, even the most inhumane thing to ever exist. She was sick in the head.

"I don't want to lose you again."

My voice shook as I stared at my sister, yet her expression did not changed as she turned to look at me.

"I know she will take all of us. We might be on full security and hidden from the outside world as of now, but she'll about this in no time. It would've much better if all of you weren't here, but I can't do anything about that anymore."

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair, closing her eyes for brief moment. What was her plan?

"When that happens, I want you to stick to whatever I'm going to tell you right now. Understand?"

"I'll try..."

"Once she have us all, I'll try my best to persuade her to let you all go."


"I'll tell her that we can leave this country and start a new life, with only the two of us. That I'll follow everything she wanted to do."

Shit. This was her plan? To sacrifice herself once again?

"No. Not this. You're giving yourself up-"

"I'm not yet done."

Ryujin gave me a stern stare, scary enough to shut me up. Fine, if her plan is something I don't like, I won't stick to it. I'll make a plan along with the others.

"When you're certain that I'm already with her, I want you to press this."

"A watch?"

"A remote control, and a tracker."

"Remote for wha- no way. B-Bomb?"

"Yes. I'm gonna blow her up."

How the hell did my sister got a bomb? Had she been planning this for a long time? Questions swarmed in my head, but I focused on the situation first. I'll ask her those later.

"But what if she notices?"

"She won't."

"Can't you just leave it with her, and then we'll escape together? We can create a disguise to hide the bomb and place it near her."

"I can't."

She smiled again, looking down on her feet. Why? I was too confused. Suddenly, I noticed something in her eyes. Her walls were crumbling down, and I could see the loneliness in her.

"You know, I've been wanting to die for a long time already."

She suddenly said. What the fuck?

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