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"Ah, so you're Ryujin's friends— ah, and Yuna, my sister-in-law..."

Yuna clenched her fists as she tried to keep a stoic expression, stopping herself from pouncing on the crazy woman in front of them.

There she stood, Jennie Kim, with a wicked smile imprinted on her face. So this was Nini, Yeji thought, her mind racing back to everything that Ryujin had revealed from her past. This psycho standing in front of her was allowed to walk freely as if she had done nothing wrong— it was too unfair.

"Baby, come here."

There she was. Ryujin.

Yeji's heart clenched in pain as soon as she saw the defeated look on Ryujin's face, and she had to bite the inside of her cheeks to focus and to stop herself from acting out of rash right then and there to embrace Ryujin and take her away from her.

"See, I'm considerate enough to bring your friends with us cos I know you will miss them."


"Ah, it seems that you've forgotten what I've thought you before."

"I-I'm sorry."

"Oh, its alright baby, I can let it pass this time— I miss you too much, and I only want to bond with you again!"

This wasn't Ryujin.

Yeji couldn't believe how this madwoman had manipulated Ryujin to this point— this was outrageous and inhumane. Yeji only realized by now that Yuna and the others were right, Ryujin was in crosshairs right now. She wasn't being obedient because she wanted to save herself, she was doing it all for them. She was swallowing up her pride to keep her loved ones safe, sacrificing herself once again just like what she had done before.

Yeji despised it.

"Jennie Kim."

"Hm? Ah, you must be Hwang Yeji. A new face among Ryujin's friends— I know quite a lot about you."

Ryujin stiffened beside her, eyes widening at the revelation. Jennie knew about Yeji. Ryujin panicked, yet tried to mask it with another expression. No, she must endure it, Jennie must not know more about her.

"You know about me? Have you been keeping an eye on Ryujin?"

"Yes. I had eyes and ears everywhere, so it was easy to keep track of Ryujin's life— although, they were quite unreliable people. They couldn't give me all the details I need."

Jennie dramatically sighed, glancing at Ryujin who remained rooted on her place beside her. Suddenly, she pulled out the gun she had on her back and pointed it at Yeji, her goons instantly holding down the other three girls so they can't meddle with them.

"Yeji!" "Yeji unnie!"


Yeji remained quiet, staring at the gun with a blank face. She was scared,cof course she was. It was either she dies today, or live another day. Everything around her became a blur as she tried to even her breathing, keeping her focus on her current situation.

"Who is she in your life, Ryujin?"

"No one."

Ryujin didn't missed a second beat to answer her, snapping Yeji out of her daze. Ryujin's face showed no emotions, just like how she spoke– emotionless, robot-like, lifeless.

"No one? Then why is she with you?"

"She's Lia's best friend. I have nothing to do with her."

Jennie squinted her eyes at Yeji, then glanced at Ryujin again. She smiled, that same wicked smile, before putting the gun down and handing it to her workers.

"Very well. We'll keep your friends with us, I'm in no mood to make a mess today anyways. Men, take them somewhere else, me and Ryujin will just share our time together. I don't want interruptions."

"Yes ma'am."

And so, Jennie got out with Ryujin following behind her. But before she could leave the room, Ryujin spared them a single glance. She wanted to apologize to them, but she can't. Then she was gone.

But Yeji felt it. She felt everything Ryujin wanted to say through her eyes, and that was enough. Ryujin was still putting up a fight, and Yeji wasn't about to give up too. They will fight together.

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