49 <Ryujin's Flashback>

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Trigger Warning:


Graphic depictions of Violence

Underage and forced Sex

I was 16

She was 21

I never got the chance to befriend some Australians.

Almost two years in this life made me forget about a lot of things— like how happiness felt like. Everything is so much more painful because today, she killed the only person who's keeping me alive. I should've seen this coming, but why would I even imagine my bestfriend dying?

Heejin died on my arms, weak and weeping. My beautiful Heejin, please don't cry. Those beautiful eyes should be filled with nothing but happiness. What did they do to you to replace it with such sadness?

"H-Heejin, please, don't sleep yet... I— I can get you o-out of here, p-please... Don't leave me..."

"I-I'm... I'm sorry, jinjin... I-Its not your fault, you d-didn't do anything wrong..."

"H-Heejin-ah, p-please..."

"I... I l-love you, my b-bestfri..."



Please, not her.

Don't let me see someone die again, please.

Oh, but you killed them.

No! Stop! I didn't killed anyone!

You killed them all!

The Jeon family died because of you!


Mr. Jeon was shot in the head


Mrs. Jeon was shot in the head

And now, Heejin died because you never helped her.

You said you want to save her, but you never did. You're weak.

You're a liar.

You're alone.

My cries echoed through the corners of the room as her men took Heejin's body away from me, bringing her out of the room without even handling her properly. Those innocent people died because of me, they just got dragged into this mess.

If someone can't save me, can they just kill me instead?

I laid on the bed, naked once again. Jennie was beside me, so I had no time to cry and be disgusted at myself. I'll do that later, time to put on my mask.

"Are you still sad, baby?"

What do you think? My bestfriend just died right on my arms, and then here you are being so nonchalant about it even if its your own doing. Monster!

"... no."

"That's good! I really know how to make you happy..."

Fuck you.

I showed no emotions and just continued to lay there, getting used to how her hands would touch my bare skin, as if it were sharp torns slowly tearing me apart. Just kill me now, Jennie Kim. What's stopping you?

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