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"Wah, I'm so full!"

"You literally ate almost everything in the table, Yuna-yah."

"Don't act so innocent, Lia-yah, I saw you refilling your plate a lot of times."

Lia only smiled proudly, not even a tad bit ashamed of Yeji's accusation, which emitted a laugh from the girls. They continued talking, except for Ryujin who rather listened to them and watch how they happily they conversed. She didn't felt left out, no, not when Yeji was tightly holding her hands under the table and occasionally rubs small circles on the back of her hand using her thumb.

Ryujin looked down st their intertwined hands that were placed on her lap, smiling at how her cold hands fits perfectly with Yeji's warm ones. Yeji glanced at her and saw that she was looking down, so she leaned in and whispered quietly,

"Ryu, are you okay?"

"More than okay..."

Yeji smiled at her answer, her heart swelling at how Ryujin's smile looked so genuine. Ryujin shifted on her seat and leaned her head on Yeji's shoulder, playing with their hands as she continued listening to whatever Lia and Yuna were bickering about.

"Chaeryeong-ah, remember when Yuna's bike hit a tree, then she started scolding the tree for standing there. Everyone looked at you like you were a mad woman!"

"It really wasn't there when I first drove around the place! Who put it there anyways? It was blocking the path!"

"Yuna, its a tree, it has been there much longer than you think."

Chaeryeong was literally face-palming at how the two were childishly bickering, while Yeji and Ryujin kept laughing quietly as they watch the chaotic trio argue.

"Ah here's a much worse memory! Remember when Lia unnie went to the wrong school? We all wondered why she was late, turns out she parked inside the school next to ours and got inside a classroom that obviously wasn't hers."


The tall girl stood up from her seat and ran away from the shorter one, going towards her older sister who was having a fun time watching them. Yeji was bursting out at the revelation of her best friend's epic fail moment.

"Ryujin unnie, look, Lia unnie's trying to hit me with a spoon!"

"Wah, is that really true Yuna-yah?"

"Yah, stop asking about it Hwang Yeji!"

"Make me, Choi Jisu!"

"You dare challenge me? Fine. Yeji made a bet with her friends once during summer, she lost and was dared to do something. Her dare was to wear an onesie on the first day of school— and guess what? She also got a detention for it."

"You really did that?"

"W-Well, it was a dare..."

"I have pictures of it!"


Lia only laughed as she took her phone out to look for the embarrassing photos. Yeji was about to stand up but she felt a gentle squeeze on her hand, so she remained seated with a defeated look.

"I regret not seeing it first-hand."

"I'm glad you didn't, gosh, that was embarrassing."

"I found the pics!"

Ryujin giggled as soon as she saw it, and Yeji instantly felt her embarrassment go away. After a while, all of them finally calmed down as they sat back on their seats. It was quiet, but it was comfortable.

"Thank you."

They were all surprised when Ryujin suddenly spoke, not expecting the girl to break the silence. Still, they all smiled. Yuna stood up and ran to where her sister was, before embracing her.

"We're always here, Ryujin unnie..."

"I know..."

Lia and Chaeryeong also followed Yuna, engulfing Ryujin in a group hug. Yeji smiled, and joined in. In that moment, Ryujin realized that she was never alone, and she was glad.


"We're on the move now, boss."

"Good. Make sure to get everyone, and bring her to me, no matter what."

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