45 <Ryujin's Flashback>

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Trigger Warning:


Mentions of blood

I was 14

Yuna was 9

She was 19

Yuna and I were kidnapped, and it was all too sudden. We just woke up, and then we weren't inside the car anymore.

I was scared, of course I was, but I couldn't show it because it would affect Yuna. My little sister would cry once she finds out what was happening, so I tried to explaine things to her lightly. It was hard to maintain a strong facade in front of my scared little sister, yet I had no other choice. The calmer I am, the faster I could find a clue to get us out of here.

But luck wasn't on our side.

Hours of rummaging the whole place, yet I couldn't find a single loophole that would bring us freedom. And we still didn't knew who took us, nor do we know their motives.

"Unnie... We can't go out?"

"Not yet, but we can."

As soon as I said that, we heard heavy footsteps from the outside. My eyes widened, yet the first thing I did out of instincts was to jump back on the bed and hide Yuna behind me as a way of protecting her. It was the least I could do.

I could feel Yuna trembling as she leaned her head on my back. We both listened to the heavy creaking of the wooden floor getting nearer, and we heard a click. The door was starting to open, and my hands started to sweat out of nervousness.

Just then, a familiar face emerged.



"Oh my gosh, Yuna, its Nini!"

A wide smile was etched on my face as I ushered my sister to take a peek at our savior. Jennie was here, and I know she's here to save us. I ran towards her and engulfed her in a hug which she eventually reciprocated.

"Nini, how'd you got here? Is Mom and Dad outside? How'd you find us—"

"Slow down with the questions, Ryujinnie..."

"Oh, sorry, I'm just really glad that you're here to save us..."

Yuna finally walked towards us, so I held her shaking hands and sent her a warm smile. My actions seemed to calm her down as she sent me back a beaming look, while her other hand wiped the tears on her cheeks.

"Nini, how do we get out of here?"

"Actually Jinnie, I can't let you out of here yet."

"What? Why?"

"It is much safer for you to be here. There are people outside who wants to take you away, and I can't let that happen."

"I... I don't understand, Nini..."

I couldn't understand a single thing from what she said. Why should we stay here? Why were people trying to take me away? Was Jennie kidnapped too? Questions swarmed inside my head, yet I couldn't let them out because I was too stunned.

The next thing I knew, there were guys in black suits who went inside the room. Yuna and I panicked as soon as we saw them, so we started shouting. I kept Yuna behind me as we took a few steps backward.

"Jinnie, calm down. They're our people, they won't hurt you."


"C'mere, I have to show you something..."

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