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"Hey, Ryujin, wanna bet?"

"I'm listening..."

"Whoever scores more on the Basketball Hoop can give a punishment to the loser— any types of punishment."

"Okay, get ready for the punishment then."

"Hah, you wish, Shin."

"I'm serious, Hwang."

Yeji only scoffed, not liking the fact that Ryujin was really confident. It only meant two things: (1) She was just bluffing to scare the shit out of her, or (2) She really was good at it. Either way, Yeji didn't mind.

She played for her school's all girls basketball team back when she was still in middle school, so she was sure that she will win.

"Game on, Shin. Less Talking, more playing."

Who was she kidding? She was against someone who's always full of surprises and once again, she was rendered speechless.

If you're asking, yes, Ryujin won. Yeji's score was 98, Ryujin's was 184 and Yeji could feel herself losing her soul over the wide gap. She didn't knew Ryujin was this athletic— well, she should've known from the way she fucks her, but hey, Yeji is quite dumb at times.

"Ah, what a great warm up."

"Dang it, you call that a warm up?"

Ryujin only chuckled at her response, scanning her eyes around to look for another game to play. Yeji was still sulking beside her, and she can't get over the fact that she lost.

Fighting against Ryujin always ended bad for her, so she learned her lesson and wouldn't ask for another bet.

"How does it feel to lose in your own game?"

"Fine, whatever, you win."

"At least you're not a wussy loser."

"So, what's the punishment, your highness?"

"We'd get to that later. C'mon, the racing game is available."

Yeji only won against Ryujin once, and it was on the Claw Machine. Yeji wanted to laugh when she saw how annoyed Ryujin was, and even said that she's going to sue the place because the game was rigid.

Yeji only calmed her down when she gave her the stuffed toy she won, which was Light fury, a female dragon character from the movie 'How to Train Your Dragon'.

"This looks like you."

"What?! I look like that dragon? Are you insulting me?"

"Its... cute tho."

Ryujin tilted her head innocently, still staring at the stuffed toy in her hands. Yeji blushed at her comment, but quickly tried to hide it by coughing and averting her gaze away.

Yeji was again, surprised by another side of Ryujin. She didn't knew that the girl could be this cute and childlike, especially because she always had that blank look and droopy eyes on everyday that she got dubbed as the 'Sleepy Ice Princess'.

"So, uh, should we get back to school so we can get our cars?"

"Let's eat first. C'mon..."

Yeji and Ryujin were currently outside the mall, waiting for a cab so they can get back to the campus and head home with their own cars.

It was a comfortable silence around them, so they both didn't expected something out of the ordinary to happen. But, well, there're always shits around you.

"Oh, what are two pretty ladies doing here without a man with them?"

"We should accompany them, ah, would you like a ride ladies?"

Instinctively, Ryujin instantly grabbed Yeji's arm and hid the older girl behind her. She knew these three ugly-looking buffed guys were bad news, and she can't just risk to let them get their way with them just because they're man.

"No thank you, we're fine on our own. Please do, leave us alone."

"Oooooh, a feisty one, I like this girl. This one's mine, boys. C'mon Miss Pretty, follow is if you don't want to get—"

Yeji gasped as soon as she saw how Ryujin kicked the guy in the face, not letting him finish his sentence. The guys were baffled, but the two were quick to regain senses and started attacking Ryujin.

"Bitch— you'll pay for that!"

"Get away from here Hwang, and call the cops."

Yeji hesitatedly followed her orders, but dared not to remove her sight from them to make sure that Ryujin will be fine.

"Hello— there's an emergency here! Some guys are harassing a girl!"

A/n: hi?

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