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"Oh my gosh, it really is you! C'mere, sit beside me!"

Yeji scrunched her eyebrows as she watched her bestfriend interact with the new girl, and wondered why Lia never introduced her to this hot chic. Maybe it was because Lia knew that she'd just get inside her pants. She's Hwang Yeji, after all.

"Great, you know someone in here... Well, now that everything's settled, its time to start the class. Please take out your books and open to page 69."

And so on, the class went. It was boring for Yeji, yet she made it pass the class by staring at the new girl. She was insanely attractive, and her bored eyes made her look so sexy. Let's just say, Yeji has found another target.

"Please don't forget about the assignment I gave you. Class dismissed."

Yeji quickly fixed her things and walked towards her bestfriend, not bothering to wait for her squad. Lia noticed her, and was confused at Yeji's signal to introduce her friend. Yeji sighed at this and thought that she had to do it herself.

"Hey, I'm Hwang Yeji, Lia's bestfriend... Nice to meet you!"

"Right, I guess I haven't introduced you to each other! Ryujin, this is Yeji, my bestfriend. And Yeji, this Ryujin, my childhood friend back at Canada."

"Nice to meet you, Yeji."

They shook hands, and Yeji could swear that she saw the girl scanning her from head to toe. She smirked inside her head, thinking that this was going to be an easy catch.

"Whooops, we gotta go Yej. We have the same sched, so I guess I'll see you after class!"

"Oh, okay. See ya..."

Yeji pouted a little when Ryujin paid no attention back at her as she and Lia walked ahead. She was about to call them again when her squad caught up to her, asking why she left in such a hurry.

"Y'know, just found a hot chic somewhere."

"And you're planning to score? Geez, I think you've already fucked all the girls in this school."

"Not everyone, idiot. I don't fuck my bestfriend."

"You won't? Really?"

"I won't! What the heck dude, Lia will literally kill me before I do that!"

The squad laugh at her remarks, before they all proceeded towards their next class, loud and chaotic as usual.


"What— why are you using aegyo on me?!"

"Awe c'mon, don't you think I'm cute?"

"Gross. What do you need?"

"About your friend, Ryujin—"

"So you have the hots for her?"

"Hey, don't blame me! Your friend's really attractive."

"I'm warning you, Hwang. Don't you dare play with her."

"Hmmm, why?"

"If you don't want to lose in your own game, then I suggest you to stop. That's all..."

Yeji stared quizzically at her friend who headed away from her, a light bounce on her steps. She felt infuriated at what Lia said, thinking the her bestfriend was underestimating her.

"Lose? Me? Tsk, doesn't she know who I am?"

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