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After washing up, Yeji watched as Ryujin slept peacefully. However, she couldn't do the same. What Ryujin said earlier and the scared look she had on her eyes worried Yeji so much. She didn't like the way Ryujin was willing to give herself up just for them- for her.

"I'm staying with you, always. I promise."

Yeji whispered, holding Ryujin's hand before kissing it gently. She stood up and took her phone, she stole a glance back at the sleeping girl before going out of the room. When she was finally at the living room, she dialled a number on her phone.

"Why the fuck are you calling me at this hour, light fury?!"

"Seulgi unnie, I need your help."

Kang Seulgi, Yeji's cousin who works as a high-ranking cop. She was close to Yeji, like an older sister, but she got busy due to her job that's why they haven't met that often. This is the first time after a few years that Yeji has called her again, and Seulgi didn't expected her little cousin to ask for her help.

"What is it? Do you want me to put that dumbass ex of yours behind bars?"

"This is not about her, its... Do you know Case 0417?"

"What? Wait, hold on, let me search that up."

Yeji could hear rustling from the other side, a few curses from her unnie who stumbled on her way, and a female voice whom she guesses is Bae Joohyun, Seulgi's wife who is a lawyer. After a while, Yeji finally got a response which confused her.

"Yeji, how do you know this case?"


"The culprit and her family, Jennie Kim, are on the list of the Top Criminals worldwide. They're notorious, and we can't catch them because they're good at hiding proofs and their transactions are always unknown."

Yeji bit her lip, worrying even more. That kind of madwoman was after her girl, and Yeji wouldn't lie that she kind of underestimated her before. Right now, she's stuck. She wanted to protect Ryujin.

"The victim of that case..."

"Hm, Shin Ryujin. Weird. No other details were placed here in her profile. She must be from a wealthy family."

"She's someone I need to protect."

"Oh, she's your girlfriend right now?"

"... not yet."

Yeji smiled and took a glance at the door of Ryujin's bedroom, imagining the sleeping girl in her mind. Yeji knew she was whipped at this point, but she's not even complaining.

"Wait, this girl, Jennie Kim, recently got out. Is that why you want to protect Shin Ryujin?"

"Yes, you're the only one I know who can help me, Seulgi unnie."

Yeji was desperate, and Seulgi could hear it despite being miles away from her. Then she heard another rustling, and then another voice of a woman was heard. It was Joohyun, or yet much better knows as Attorney Irene.

"Yeji, this woman is dangerous, much more than you think. Do you really want to go against her?"

"I have to, Irene unnie. I'm doing all of this for Ryujin."

"Very well. Seulgi and I will try to work on this behind the scenes, obviously we can't get in touch with you directly. Now go and get some rest, I can feel that you're tired."

"Thank you, Irene unnie. Tell Seulgi unnie that I'm thankful to her too."

Yeji finally ended the call, a loud sigh escaping her lips. At least, she could ask someone for help. Besides, Seulgi and Irene weren't to be messed with when it comes to doing their job, they're practically one of the best on their respective fields.

"Yeji unnie."

"What the— ah, you startled me, Chaeryeong-ah..."

"Who was that you were talking to? I'm sorry, I heard your conversation a bit."

"Oh, it was my cousin and her wife. She's a cop, and her wife's a lawyer. They're reliable."

Chaeryeong nodded her head at her answer. Yeji could feel that there was something that the girl wanted to tell her, but she looked conflicted.

"Is there something bothering you, Chaeryeong-ah?"

"Uhm, I actually asked Yuna the other day..."

"About what?"

"About what we needed to do in order to protect Ryujin."

"Really? What did she say?"

"She said the best we could do is to protect ourselves."

"... what?"

Yeji was utterly confused. There was nothing else they could do aside from that? She gave Chaeryeong a confused look, nodding her head to let the other girl elaborate.

"Yuna said that it is what Ryujin would want to do too. Right now, Ryujin's priority isn't herself. Its us, and among everyone here, its you who had became her greatest weakness."


"The moment she got attached to you was also the moment that you've become the most important person to her. You're her weakness, unnie."

"... what should I do?"

"Just like I said, you must protect yourself if you want to save Ryujin. Please promise me that, Yeji unnie."

"I... How about Ryujin?"

"That's the only way. We're against someone who uses Ryujin's loved one's against her, if we become too reckless and leave ourselves open, we're practically offering Ryujin's weakness to her."

"Is there really no other way?..."

"Promise me, Yeji unnie. Protect yourself before you protect Ryujin."

Chaeryeong held her pinky finger out, staring at Yeji with an unreadable yet serious expression. Yeji gulped, feeling burdened at the reality she was currently facing. But even if Chaeryeong was making sense right now, Yeji was still skeptical. However, she didn't want to hurt Ryujin more, so she have to do this too.

"Unnie, please, for Ryujin."

"I... I promise."

Yeji couldn't believe that she had to do this— she must keep herself protected to ensure Ryujin's safety.

Was that really the only option left? How much longer will they have to hold out like this? Yeji didn't knew, but she also didn't want to find out.

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