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A week has passed, and their short school break was over. Nothing horrendous happened, which Yeji was thankful for, and she saw her friends in one piece. She's glad that they were safe, but she didn't see Ryujin around yet. When she asked Yuna about it while the two of them were left at the table while Chaeryeong and Lia grabbed some foods, the younger girl only gave her a sad smile.

"Sorry Yeji unnie, she's not gonna show up yet for quite a long time..."

"Oh... That's sad..."

"... do you miss her?"

Yeji blushed at her question and struggled to answer, her mouth opening and closing again as she tried to explain. Yuna softly giggled at Yeji's flustered state.

"She's safe..."

"That's goo—"

"But she's not okay."

The look on Yuna's eyes were very depressing, and Yeji instantly gave her a side hug as a way to console her. It wasn't enough, but Yeji just wanted her to know that she'd always be there for her, that she can be a shoulder to lean on. Yeji didn't said anything because she figured out that there was no advices that she can give, of course, she doesn't even know what the hell was really happening. All she knows is that they're in danger, especially Ryujin.

"Ryujin unnie have deep traumas and right now, they're getting worse."

"H-How about getting help from doctors?"

"No, they're of no use because even they cannot force Ryujin unnie to open up. She would never speak to anyone..."

"Is there anything I can do to help?..."

"I don't think there is anything that we can do, Yeji unnie..."

Yeji was disheartened by her answer, but she was persistent. Her gut feeling tells her that there's a solution to all of this, the only problem is that she don't what it was. What does she have to do?...

"Where is Ryujin right now?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Bring me to her."


Yuna's outburst made it look like a commotion was happening at their table, so Yeji had to calm her down first. Yeji understood why Yuna reacted that way, but she has something to prove. And most importantly, she was doing this for Ryujin. Only for her.

"Yuna, you know I mean no harm... I just... I just wanna talk to her."

"Are you insane, Hwang Yeji?! Ryujin unnie is having a difficult time to control herself— yet you want to talk to her?"

"That's more of a reason for me to be there! She needs someone beside her, not to control her, but to console her! She needs an anchor and a shoulder to lean on!"

Now it was the two of them getting enraged, giving each other stern looks as if to test their toughness. Yeji might have only known Ryujin for a short time, but she will stand her ground. Yes, she doesn't know a lot about her, but she owes Ryujin, or so she thinks so— the real reason why she's acting like this is because she cares for Ryujin so much that she couldn't sleep well at night because she was busy thinking about her well-being, and if she was completely safe on her own.

Yuna stared at Yeji, still mad, but now with another feeling inside her— she respected the girl even more. She didn't knew what Yeji really felt for her sister, but it was evident that she truly cares for her. Yeji was willing to risk herself just to be there for her sister, something that she herself hasn't done yet. How could she, when she has seen firsthand how her sister acts whenever her trauma gets into her head, how she looks so broken and almost inhumane. She still remembers how Ryujin begged her to leave her alone, not wanting her little sister to see how weak she was.

"You... You really care for her huh?..."


"Yeji! Yuna! What the hell is happening?! Why're you two suddenly about to pounce on each other?!"

"Let's go."

Yuna suddenly said and stood up from her seat, ignoring what Lia just said. What Yeji said truly struck her, and she finally realized what she has to do to help her sister. She's going to be there for her starting from now on. Even if it means going back to the past.

"What? Yuna where are you goin—"

"We're going to visit the sad monkey, right, Yeji unnie?"

Yeji was startled as soon as Yuna turned to look at her and saw the determination burning on Yuna's eyes, then she realized that the younger finally decided. She nodded her head, and glanced back at Lia and Chaeryeong.

"Finally, took you long enough to decide that, bunny. Now, let's see that sad monkey and cheer her up!"

Chaeryeong finally spoke as the four of them ran through the halls, forgetting about their classes and their foods as they zoomed off.

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