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The trio are finally inside Yeji's house, and they were all at the kitchen to witness how the cookies are made. Yeji took a mental note to do well so she can impress Ryujin.

"Choi Jisu— yah, you're gonna finish them off before I can even bake!"

"I won't! Just a bit more chocolate, please????"

"Hey Ryujin, do me a favor and drag this midget away from the kitchen."

"Julia, enough of those sweets."


"No buts."

"Fine... I'll just stay her—"

"Move away from the table."

Lia groaned in annoyance, but she couldn't do anything against Ryujin's firm glare, so she complied to her orders with a grumpy look.

Yeji was surprised to see this side of Lia because all this time, she knew that the small girl was really stubborn, she wouldn't even listen to her own family. But right now, she was straight up following what Ryujin says, like a puppy listening to its owner.

"Ohohoho, since when were you this obedient, Jisu?"

"S-Shut up, Yeji."

"Wah, I should have you around for most times Ryujin. This midget over her needs a bit of control."

"Is she that stubborn?"

"Yep, not even her parents can control her."

"I listen to Ryujin because she knows what's best for me."

Yeji dramatically gasped right after she placed the molded doughs inside the oven, taking off her apron and gloves, before sitting on the opposite side to face them.

"And I don't?"

"Yes. You made me drink last year, not knowing that my alcohol tolerance was lower than your grades."

"Hey! My grades ain't that low!"

"Where did you learn how to bake?"

Ryujin butted into their conversation to avoid bigger arguments, rendering the duo speechless and surprised. Lia grinned and nudged her using her elbows, emitting a confused look from the latter.

"Why're you interested, Joanne?"

"Because you said her cookies are delicious."

"Pffft— yeah, hahahahaha, my cookies are damn delicious. There's actually one secret ingredient to make it."

"Woah, really?! You never told me about that you twat!"

"Oh, well I won't bother you about it then, if that's the case."

"Huh? Why?"

"Its a secret ingredient, its supposed to be kept by yourself or to you family. Besides, I was just curious."

"Awwweeee, so you really were looking forward for the cookie, Joanne?"

Lia teased her, whereas Yeji stifled another laugh because of her dirty thoughts about 'cookies'. Gosh, she really should try to clean her mind.

"Sure. I really want to taste her cookies. Will you let me, Yeji?"

That's when Yeji felt it, she wasn't the only one who was thinking differently. She stared at the slight smirk on Ryujin's face, completely astounded about her behavior.

Two will play this game.

"Oh, of course, I would let you taste my cookies, whenever you like."

A/n: heyooooo sorry for the long wait 😭 anyways, things are boutta get... dirty 😏

Under Her ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora