Arizona stepped closer and kissed your lips sweetly. When letting go of you, you pulled her in again by her coat to give her a more passionate kiss. When unlocking lips you could only stare in her beautiful ocean blue eyes. You went your own way to take in all the information about the case. After 30 minutes you were scrubbing in together to do the surgery. It was a few hours later, but you succeeded the surgery and were now walking out of the scrub room.

Arizona: Thank you again for helping me.
Y/n: Of course dr. Robbins. It was my pleasure.
Arizona: Oh uhm can you inform the parents. I just got paged to the ER.
Y/n: Yes, I will see you for lunch. I love you.
Arizona: I love you too y/n.

Arizona kissed your cheek before taking off towards the ER.

Arizona's pov
In the ER, Arizona was informed about the patient being a baby they found outside of the hospital. Arizona took the baby out of the box and noticed that he's still warm.

Stephanie: His pulse is weak and he's breathing fast.
Arizona: He is probably 8-9 months old.

Then Arizona saw a scar on his chest, indicating that he's had surgery before.

Arizona: Get him up to the PICU.

Stephanie goes to get a peds gurney while Arizona stayed with the baby and Jo.

Arizona: Jo, go and get prints to identify the marks and call the police so they can find out who this baby is.

As Arizona exits the bay, Stephanie comes by with the gurney and hits Arizona, knocking her to the floor.

Arizona: Stephanie, I think you just broke my leg.

Stephanie looks horrified to see Arizona's prosthetic sticking out at a weird angle.

Arizona: It's okay, because I have another one in my car.

Stephanie went to get the other leg while Arizona was helped to a trauma room. Arizona is sitting on a hospital bed in the ER across from Jo when Bailey comes in and asks what happened.

Arizona: I'm fine and it was an accident. Stephanie just hit me with a gurney and made me flip over.
Owen: Are you really okay?
Arizona: My leg got broken and Stephanie is bringing me my spare one.

Stephanie then comes in with the backup leg. Stephanie apologizes, but Arizona says she should go page cardio and do a workup on the baby. Jo wants to go with, but Owen asks what baby and when Jo explains, he reminds her that she's not on peds and can't be on the case. He has another patient for her.

Arizona: Bailey can you assist on Jared's surgery since Alex can't do it?
Miranda: Of course I will help out.

The door opened and you ran in almost out of breath.

Y/n: I heard what happened. Are you okay? Can I do something?
Arizona: I'm fine. It was a stupid accident. Maybe later today you can massage my leg.
Y/n: Anything you want Zona. Do you want me to stay with you?
Arizona: I will be just fine. Just a kiss will help.

You lay your hand on her cheek and caressed it with your thumb. You leaned in to give Arizona a kiss on the lips.

Y/n: Page me when you need me. If not, I see you around 1 for lunch.
Arizona: I will see you later. I have to see the dumpster baby.
Y/n: Did you just say dumpster baby?
Arizona: I will explain it later babe.

Cristina is examining the baby later when Arizona comes in with her leg squeaking every step. Arizona asks for an update and Cristina says he's had a median sternotomy and a few chest tubes, low SATs, high BP, and Failure to Thrive.

Arizona: Have you cuddles him?
Cristina: No, I haven't cuddled him.
Arizona: If you were left in a cardboard box, all you would want is some cuddles.
Cristina: I only want a cardiac cath to confirm that he has a coarctation of the aorta.

Nevertheless, Arizona scoops the baby up as Cristina says that he's like a puzzle she can't solve. Arizona asks the baby if he's had a coarctation of his aorta. Shane comes up and says the hospital has no record of the baby being a patient there and the police are getting statements from Jo and Stephanie. Arizona gets paged and tells Cristina to page her when she's done with the cath and asks Shane to take the baby. He is reluctant, but Cristina tells him to do it, so he allows Arizona to hand him the baby. As Arizona walks away, still squeaking, Cristina looked at her not understanding where the sound came from.

Cristina: What is that sound?
Arizona: It's a long story.

After Arizona is gone, Shane asks if he can put down the baby. Cristina says he needs to be cuddled and she's not doing it.

Later that night
Arizona: So luckily the baby is all good.
Y/n: It's a crazy story. I can't believe someone would dumb their baby.
Arizona: Right. I'm happy he is all good and the social worker will find the best home for him.
Y/n: How are you feeling? I know this leg isn't the best for you.
Arizona: It was terrible if I'm honest. This leg was aching all the time.
Y/n: Let me give you the best massage. You will love it.
Arizona: I always love it, because you are the absolute best.

You kissed the top of her head bofte you started to massage her leg. After 30 minutes you stopped and pulled Arizona in for a snuggle moment together in bed. 

Y/n: So feeling any better?
Arizona: I feel amazing again. Thank you so much.
Y/n: So are you in for a movie as Timothy is fast asleep?
Arizona: Uhm yes, that's fine.
Y/n: Is there something wrong?
Arizona: No, nothing is wrong my love.
Y/n: Something is on your mind, I can tell. Come on spill it.
Arizona. Nope, everything is good. What movie shall we watch?
Y/n: Don't change the subject Zona.
Arizona: I'm not changing the subject at all. I just want to watch a movie with my wife.
Y/n: You know what? Go and pick the movie you want. I will be with Timmy as I hear him crying.
Arizona: Y/n, don't leave like this.
Y/n: I will be back. Don't worry, just pick the movie you want to watch.
Arizona: Y/n, don't act like this. Don't be mad at me.
Y/n: I'm a little mad, because you aren't telling me something and we promised to always tell each other what's on our minds.
Arizona: I don't want you to be mad at me. Please come back so we can talk.

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