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I want to start by thanking all of you. You have stuck with me for over 700 chapters. I have the best readers, and the kindest.

Thank you

When I started writing this book, I was in the worst depression I have ever been in. I couldn't get off the couch. I gained 30 pounds, which on my body was a lot and I was always in pain. I was a shell of who I once was, and I was in constant fear over the pandemic.

One day I discovered Wattpad and thought "maybe I could write a book" lol

I literally wrote a little 800 word chapter and hit publish within 30 minutes, and then I wrote another.

Within a week I had my very first vote, and guys... Someone found me worthy and voted for me. They found me worthy!

I cannot tell you what that did to me.

The Preston's healed me. You healed me. The power of words, and figuring out who I was as a human being, healed me.

My depression is gone, and so is the extra weight that was giving me pain.

I needed the Preston's so desperately. At the end of last year, I realized that I didn't need them anymore. I was able to let them go. Although there is some sadness, being able to let them go is like finally letting go of the final piece that was holding me back.

I'm not done writing, I'm not even close. I found a piece of me I never knew existed, and I plan on strengthening my skills and working on my weaknesses. My Marriage books will continue for a while. My Husband's Wives over on our LadiesPlural page is continuing.

And I've started another book!

I realized while writing this book how much I loved Josie. She, aside from Ellie, was my favorite. So I'm writing a book about a girl like Josie. It won't be the same book or storyline, because that would be extremely boring.

This girl will have two brothers that she will live with as she tries to navigate her teenage years. (It will have SOME spanking, because apparently that's all I write about 🤷🏻‍♀️...But not as much as Inferno had)

It's going to be like an alternate universe of Josie, Dylan, and Mason. The story is different but the premise is the same...The older brother will also be a teacher, but he will NOT be like Mason who falls in love with a student.

I'm not quite ready to post that book yet, but as soon as I do I will post a note here to let you know if you're interested.

Thank you for your kindness. Thank you to whoever that first person was that found me "worthy" enough to vote on a very rough first chapter in Embers.

You don't know what that did for me.

Thank you for all the comments, kind words, suggestions, prompts......All of you helped me create this world.

A world that I'm sad to let go. A world that I'm excited to let go.

A world that I need to let go.

Thank you. I love you all, and I appreciate the village we created here on Wattpad.


If you're in the depths of despair like I was, keep fighting. You're worthy of happiness.

Inferno Part 4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora