~66~ Frankie

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Ellie's POV

The full day of driving is a long one, and by the time we get to our hotel for the night Taylor and I are weary.

"Luke, you're with us for the night, kid. They didn't have a pull out couch," Taylor says as he squeezes his shoulder and gives him an apologetic smile.

"I'm 13, dad...I'm not sleeping with my mother....."

"You're also NOT sleeping on this dirty floor, young man. Hurry up and get ready for bed," I say as I smack his butt in warning.

"I hate these damn reunions," he mutters as he grabs his clothes and goes to the bathroom.

Taylor walks to the door that Luke just closed and knocks softly. Luke opens the door, and Taylor bends down so he's eye level with his son.

"What was that?"

"Sorry," Luke blows out.

Taylor uses his thumb and pointer finger until there's a tiny space in between them.

"This is how much patience I have left today. You and your sister have used up almost everything I have...Make this space close even further, I'm gonna get snappy...Or should I say, smacky."

"Yes sir," he says as he closes the door and Taylor points to Sasha. "That goes for you too, young lady. When we get to grandma's tomorrow, you two are going to be angels!"

"Tay, can't we just stay at this hotel for the weekend?"

"No, grandma already got all of our rooms ready."

"But we're here tonight......"

"Yes, because it's 11pm and she goes to bed early. You know this." He shows me the space between his thumb and forefinger close even more, and clenches his teeth together in exasperation.

Luke comes out of the bathroom, and Sasha goes in. Once Emma does, Taylor and I get ready for bed.

Taylor kisses and tucks in his girls and Luke climbs in our bed, completely and utterly annoyed.

"I'm gonna get beat up if anybody finds out I slept in the same bed as my mommy."

I climb in next to him and kiss his cheek dramatically. "You used to when you were little," I smile as I kiss him one more time.

He rolls his eyes as as turns on his side and Taylor smirks, climbing in on his other side and kissing him dramatically too.

"Ahhh, Lukie Boy!! You just look so cuddly....Come snuggle with your dad." He says as he wraps his arms around him and kisses him on the cheek.

"Just kill me," Luke snaps as he flips on his stomach and puts his pillow over top of his head.


The next morning when I get up and get a shower, I wake up Taylor next.

"Morning beautiful," he says huskily as he pulls me into him and kisses me deeply.

"Morning. You need to get up and ready if you wanna make breakfast with your family."

He rubs his hands on his face and sucks in a breath, stretching out his body and groaning slightly.

"This bed is comfortable," he says as he sits up and swings his legs over the side.

"Sure is...Too bad we can't sleep in it all weekend...."

He rolls his eyes as he heads to the bathroom, and I start packing our stuff back up.

"Lucas, it's time to get up," I say as I shake him.

His garbled response makes me chuckle as I continue to try and wake up this child.

Inferno Part 4Where stories live. Discover now