~39~My Sister Is Broken

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Mason's POV

"Sash, what's the point of going back over there? She won't let me help her!"

"I know, but you promised Liam. It's gonna eat away at you if you break that promise."

"I hate that you know me," I groan as I set Clay down in his swing.

"Just go check on her; It's almost dinner time and you haven't been over there in hours. Liam will be home tomorrow afternoon. Just check on her now and then tomorrow morning, and call it a day."

"Your brother's pissed at me," I say sadly as I go to get on my shoes.

"He'll get over it."

I shake my head. No he won't. The worse thing you can do is tell a man he's not doing good enough with his family.

I get over to Liam's and I just want to turn around and go back out. The house is in complete shambles and the twins are both crying. Savannah and Nora are screaming at each other, and Jaxson is running around with no clothes on.

"Jax, where are your clothes?"

He shrugs. "I'm just sick of wearing 'em all the time."

I roll my eyes. From what I hear, this is all Alex....

"Go get dressed, right now."

He pouts as he runs upstairs and I bring my attention to the crying twins.

"What's wrong, girls?" I ask as I bend down and stare at them.

"She pulled my hair!!!!" Charlie screeches as she points her finger at Lizzie.

Lizzie cries even harder and looks down at the ground.

"What happened, Lizzie Lou?" I ask gently. This girl wouldn't pull someone's hair, unless it was an accident.

She simply shrugs as she continues to cry.

"What happened, Charlie?" I ask, now bringing my attention to the more loud and aggressive twin.

"She wouldn't play bubbles with me!!!!!!"

"So you pulled her hair first?" I ask.

She glares at me. "I WANNA DO BUBBLES!"

I nod and look at Lizzie. "Come here, young lady," I say in a stern voice as I pick this sweet girl up and bring her outside. She's crying so hard, her little sobs are getting stuck and she's gasping for breath.

I sit her down next to me on the front step and kiss her sweaty head.

"Did you pull her hair?" I ask softly.

"Was an accident," she says as she throws her head on my lap.

"What happened?"

"She pushed me and I tripped."

"So you tried to get your balance and grabbed ahold of her hair?"

She cries even louder and nods. "I don't wanna 'pankin," she sobs.

"You're not getting one," I say as I scoop her up and rock her back and forth until her cries turn to sniffles.

When she stops crying, I turn her so she's facing me. "I want you to listen to me very carefully, Elizabeth Faye."

She nods, her eyes boring into mine.

"You don't stop being who you are. If you don't wanna do bubbles, don't do them. If you wanna keep playing Barbies and not do tents, then keep playing Barbies. Ok?"

"But then Charlie gets mad at me..."

I nod as I brush some hair out of her face. "She can be mad."

"But then daddy gets mad."

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