~64~ He Changed

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Gabby's POV

I go upstairs and see Savannah lying on the couch, scrolling through her phone.

"You ok?" I ask as I sit on the floor next to her.

"I'll live," she mutters and she puts her phone on her chest and closes her eyes.

"What did he do?"

She sighs as she sits up and puts her phone on the coffee table.

"He stands at the door and goes 'Oh good, you're actually awake this time!" With a huge attitude. I didn't say anything, and it made him even more mad. Apparently my face was 'cussing him out'. Ugh! He's such an asshole!"

"How much trouble did you get in?" I ask as I sit next to her on the couch.

"He took me home and we got in a big screaming match...Then I came here. I'm surprised he hasn't come over and spanked me...I've been waiting."

"Dad's mad at him, so I doubt he will."

Savannah blows out a breath and turns on the TV. "Sometimes I wish they never would've had the twins. They ruined everything...."

"That's an awful thing to say, Savannah Lucille," dad says from the doorway as he glares at Savvy.

Savannah shrugs. "Well? It's true. Tell me that I'm wrong...Tell me that mom and dad didn't completely change the moment they were born."

Dad stares at her for a long minute before he nods. "Of course they did...But he also changed the moment he picked you up from that Social Worker. He changed the minute Diego died. The second Jaxson was born. We weren't made to stay the same and be stagnant. In this moment, I know it looks like the twins ruined your dad...But give him some more time."

Savannah wipes a tear that falls down her face. "I can't show my face in school anymore. I'm so embarrassed. The pre-twin dad never would have done that."

Dad comes over and sits next to her, pulling her in and kissing her hair. "You're right, Sav. Your dad owes you a huge apology."

"That I'll never get," she mutters.

"Oh yes you will," he says darkly as he kisses her again and we all start watching TV


The next day after school, Ellie takes me and Nolan home and when we get in, we both raid the pantry.

"Mom, do we have any more Funyuns?" Nolan asks as he digs in the back.

"No, I need to go to the store. Want some fruit?"

He gives her a look, and she starts to chuckle. Suddenly the door opens and mom is standing there, looking like she feels awkward.

"Hey!" Ellie grins as she goes over and gives mom a hug.

"Is it ok I'm here?" She asks quietly.

"You're family!" Ellie says in a stern voice, brooking absolutely no argument. When Taylor walks in, he stops when he sees his sister.

"Look who's actually showing her face," he says darkly as he gives Nolan a side hug.

"Taylor...." Ellie warns.

Taylor sighs and nods. "Hey Lilah. Come on in....."

"I actually need to talk to Alex real quick...Is he here?"

Hope bubbles in my chest, because I know down to my soul that she took my words to heart and she's going to beg for him to take her back. I knew they wouldn't get divorced....I'm so dang excited.

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