~46~ Baylor

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Ellie's POV

"What the hell is wrong with you?" I snap as I glare at my handsome hubby.


I cross my arms and give him my best attitude while he's staring at me bewildered, trying to shave.

"Play along......" I sigh as I roll my eyes.

"Eleanor, I don't understand....."

"How are we gonna make up if we don't have a fight? We haven't fought in a REALLY long time and I miss the makeup. Keep up."

His eyes twinkle as he sets his razor down and clears his throat.

"What the hell is your attitude about?" He asks in a low voice, making his eyes flicker to fake anger.

"I wanted you to keep your 5 o'clock shadow, and you just shaved without even asking me."

"I didn't realize I needed to ask your permission on what I do with my body!"

"Oh no? I've been wanting to cut my hair up to my shoulders for years, and you've always begged me not to because you like it long....maybe I should just chop it all off!"

"Don't you dare....." he says, making his voice even more scary.

"Why not? It's my body...."

He glares at me for a minute and then clears his throat. "How long do we gotta fight before it counts?"

"I think we're good," I shrug.

He smiles again as he walks over to me. "Forgive me for shaving, Ellie Jane."

"Forgive me for threatening to cut my hair," I smile as I wrap my arms around him and kiss him hard.

He picks me up and walks me over to the bed, getting on top of me and kissing me even harder.

"Let's make up, Ellie Jane," he whispers as he takes over, and I enjoy the makeup I was needing.

We really need to fight more often.


"Mom, please! I'm starving. Can I just eat some fruit?"

"No, Nolan. You could actually die if you eat. You can have nothing until after your surgery, and then you can only have liquids and applesauce and things," I say as I find our insurance card.

"Mom, please just let me keep my wisdom teeth. What's the worst that can happen?"

"It can damage your other teeth. Quit arguing, you're getting it done and we need to leave now."


Taylor sets his mug down and gets in Nolan's face, making him gulp.

"We can either get in the car and go there now, or I can take a few minutes out and we can go upstairs for a minute. You can either just have a sore mouth, or you can be sore from both ends. What'll it be?"

Nolan quietly heads outside, and Taylor rolls his eyes. "This'll be fun....."

When we get in the car, Nolan slinks in the backseat and Taylor looks at him briefly. "What's going on in your mind, kid."

"That I'm feeling fine right now and you're driving me to pain....."

Taylor chuckles and shakes his head. "I wouldn't be paying $2,000 for pain, kid...I could give that to ya for free."

Nolan sighs loudly and Taylor laughs. "You get a few days off of school and I took furlough. We can spend the whole time watching movies and playing video games."

Inferno Part 4Where stories live. Discover now