~94~ Casual Date

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Josie's POV

Stop it, Josie! Who the hell cares what you look like.....This is a friend date!

As I continue to hold up two different outfits and trying to decide what to wear, I'm getting more and more angry at myself. Why am I feeling so....nervous?

When a knock at the door brings me out of my dilemma, I smile when I see Mason leaning against the frame with an amused look on his face.

"Thought this wasn't a big deal?" He teases as he comes into my room and sits at my vanity, staring at the two outfits in my hands.

"It isn't supposed to be, but for some reason I'm making it one. Help me pick!" I beg as I shove the two hangers in his face.

Once he peels the light blue sweater out of his mouth, he chuckles as he stands up and takes the clothes out of my hands and plops them on the bed.

"Oh no...I'm not gonna be blamed for telling you to pick one outfit over another. I'll have Sasha come in and help you if you want."

"How are you guys doing?" I ask as I dig through some makeup, trying to decide which eyeshadow pallet to choose.

He picks at his sweats absentmindedly as he shrugs. "We're ok. We're not back to normal, but we're working on things....What's going through your head, Jose?"

I blow out a breath as I look at myself in the mirror. "I think I have a crush on Owen," I rush out, feeling my cheeks flame with heat instantly.

I expect Mason to smirk or even make fun of me...But he doesn't. He keeps his face completely serious as he nods slowly and stands up, brushing some hair off of my shoulder and kissing my cheek.

"I think you do too." He whispers.

I turn around so quickly, he takes a step back in surprise. "How can I, Mason? I barely have time to breathe when I'm at school. I don't have time for a boyfriend. I barely have time to call you guys.....I can't do that!"

Mason nods and looks at me for a moment. "Who says you need to date him?"

"....Well I'm technically going on a date now......"

"As friends," he says softly.

I blow out a breath and sit down at my vanity.

"I think I'm nervous," I whisper.

Mason leans against the wall and takes the bottled water I had sitting there, opening it and taking a swig. When he screws the lid back on, he does it slowly and stares at it like it's amusing.

"I think that's a good thing, Jose. I think being nervous right now is good for you. I think it's healthy."

"Do you think he's nervous?" I ask after a moment.

Mason gets a look about him as he grins and nods his head. "Oh yeah. I think he's hella nervous."


When Owen picks me up two hours later, he smiles big when he sees me. "Dang. You're beautiful, Josie," he breathes as he hands me a stunning bouquet of red roses.

I start to argue that flowers are for a date date, and not a friend date, when I change my mind. No boy has ever given me flowers before. These are beautiful.

"Thank you," I grin as I take them from him, smelling them for a moment so I can figure out what I'm supposed to do with them.

As if she knows what I'm thinking, Sasha comes up to me and holds out her hands. "I'll put these in water for you if you want."

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