~31~ Self-Inflicted

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The next few chapters I'll have glimpses of how Trace is doing as a firefighter. Thanks to BrittanyBrassard1986 for the idea. Since I'm not in Trace's head, I kinda forget that we don't know what's going on with him. Here's a storyline for Liam with Trace intermingled!

Liam's POV

"Greene, get your ass up and start working on drills," I say in a bossy tone as I kick the leg of his chair swiftly and act like I'm super cranky.

I ain't cranky, I just like picking on the goober.

"Sure Captain," Trace says as he stands up and walks outside. I look at Jenkins and smirk.

"Make him sweat, will ya?"

Jenkins laughs as he stands up and walks outside.

"You picking on my boy, Captain?" Greene #1 asks me in an equally stern and cranky voice.

"Er....Nah...It ain't what it looks like, Assistant Chief."

"Then what is it?" He asks as he crosses his arms and mean-mugs me.

"It's training...I gotta make sure his muscles stay strong."

He smiles and rolls his eyes. "Nora called the office. She's on line 2."

"Really? I haven't heard my phone," I say as I get it out of my pocket and look. Oops. How did I not feel three calls and two texts vibrating my leg?

I get to the office and sit on Chief's desk, making him scootch away from my bum and roll his eyes.

"You could have taken this call in your office, Captain."

"Yours is more cozy, Chief," I smirk as I pick up his phone and talk to my hunny.

"What's up, Sugar Lips?.......Woah. Slow down. What now?..........Ah Crap. Ok, let me talk to her..........."

I hear her yell for Savannah, and a minute later she answers.

"You're in a wee bit of trouble, huh?.......Yeah, really don't wanna hear the excuses just yet. Get in your fancy car, which you are gonna be losing shortly, and come drive to the station. You have twenty minutes to get here.......Then ya better be puttin' a little pep in your step."

When I hang up, I rest my forehead on Taylor's shoulder.

"I don't wanna.....Will you take over?"

Taylor chuckles. "What did she do?"

"Oh, I'll tell ya, but I need to know if I'm talking to Taylor or Chief."

"Try Chief," Chief grins as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.

"Well Chief, my silly daughter decided to skip school and go to a park. While she was at said park, my hard-working wife happened to be driving by. What she saw was disturbing...My silly daughter had a nicotine stick in her hand, and was attempting to light it with an open flame, which would be a serious danger to our community."

Taylor's eyes get wide as he slowly nods.

"Now give it to me as Taylor."

I nod and take a deep breath. "Your dipshit granddaughter skipped school and started smoking a damn cigarette at a park. I'm so pissed."

"So when I'm Chief, she's your silly daughter. When I'm Taylor, she's my dipshit granddaughter?"

"You got it!"

Taylor nods silently and fights a smirk.

"Was she actually smoking?" He finally asks.

"Doesn't matter," I say as I try and keep my bubbly personality from going ape shit.

Inferno Part 4Where stories live. Discover now