~97~ It's Not Goodbye

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Hey guys!

This is the last Josie chapter! I will not be updating tomorrow, and I've decided to take a week or two off from Inferno all together for a much needed break.

I promised I would be upfront and not blindside you in regards to this book, so I'm letting you know that this book is just about over. These characters mean so much to me that I almost believe they are real, and I HAVE to end this now before I ruin the integrity. My heart just isn't in it anymore, friends.

I will be spending these next two weeks coming up with a plan on how to end it, and tie up loose ends in the process. When I return, I will be focusing on Alex's family.

The way my heart breaks just from the idea of ending this story is intense, however what was once my escape from the stressors in my life is now becoming a stressor, and that isn't fair to me.

On an exciting note, I have a new project I've been secretly working on, and I will tell you about it in the coming weeks. ❤️

Josie's POV

Jericho and I stay up most of the night, and as we're about ready to go to sleep she whispers in the darkness. "Ever go see Izzy?"

I shake my head, and then realize she can't actually see me. "No. I almost did once but I chickened out. I sent her a text with the phone Wes got her, but she never responded. I know that I should, but I just can't. She really really hurt me when she left without saying goodbye and I've heard she is really cutting people with her words right now. Even though I'm stronger than I used to be, I think getting cut by her would bleed too much."

Jericho silently takes my hand, and even in the stillness I feel her love. She will always have my back


The next day we go to my favorite cafe and then hit the mall. I even take her to the bottom of the mountains so she can do some sightseeing. "It's beautiful here. The altitude is something I wasn't expecting to have to get used to in this town," she says as she tightens the hat around her ears and gazes up into the mountains.

"It's funny cause I grew up here and never knew a difference. When I came back for break it took me a bit to get used to it," I chuckle.

"So do I get to meet Owen today?" She asks after we get back in the car and start heading for home.

Just the mention of his name makes my stomach tighten. "Yeah, he's got a full evening of classes so he isn't picking her up until 8."

"That really sucks he doesn't get to see her very much."

"I know," I nod as I take a sip of my hot chocolate. "I think it's really hard for both of them."

When we get home, we bum around the house until Mason and Sasha get here. "Who is this?" Jenna asks Jericho as she admires her hair.

"I'm Jericho. I've heard a lot about you, Jenna."

"Are you the lady who's taking Josie away in a few days?"

Mason bites his lip and looks down at the floor sadly, and I pretend not to notice as I grin at Jenna.

"She's not taking me away, but I do have to leave soon. Wanna go play a game?"

"YES!" Drew and Jenna squeal as we follow after them, and spend the rest of the evening playing with children and having a blast.


When Owen comes at 8 to pick her up, she jumps into his arms and kisses him loudly. "You tooked forever, daddy!"

"Sorry JJ," he says as he looks at me and smiles. "You must be Jericho." He reaches out his hand for her to take, and her face lights up when she sees him.

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