~35~ It's Just You

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Luke's POV

I get up earlier than normal this morning, because I'm excited about hanging out with Nolan all weekend. When I get downstairs, dad is pouring some coffee into a tumbler.

"Morning kid," he says in a gruff voice as he snaps on the lid.

"Morning. Where's mom?"

"She forgot something upstairs."

"Heard from Jake?" I ask as I get some juice out of the fridge.

He nods. "Her aunt passed away. They're staying there for a week. Zoe is bummed because she's missing a science project."

Mom comes downstairs and hands dad a bag. "Ready."

"Ellie Jane, we're only gonna be gone till Sunday night."

"I know, but I wanted to be prepared, Chief. Ready?"


"Where's Alex?"

"He's riding with Liam."

"Where's Wes?"

"Riding with Trace."

"So it's just you and me on a three hour drive?"

"Sure is, baby girl," he says as he pulls her in and kisses her hard.

"Gross," I mutter as I take a sip of my juice.

Dad pulls away and laughs. "Nolan is nervous about a test today in Sasha's class. Might have to talk him off a ledge," he says as he kisses my head. "Let's go, Ellie Jane."

Mom kisses me too and they leave, and I breathe a sigh of relief. I love my parents... but a parent free weekend feels good, even when you're an adult.


When I'm ready for work, Nolan comes down the stairs. "Morning," I grin at him.

"Wanna skip? We could go to the arcade today," he smiles as he gets some milk and pours some cereal.

"As tempting as that sounds, I'm not interested in testing mom's threats of giving me Woody....I actually think she would, and I'm pretty sure she's still stronger than me."

Nolan raises his eyebrows. "Doubtful."

"You could always volunteer as tribute," I grin.

He shakes his head. "I'm good."

"Ready?" I ask after he eats his cereal for a few minutes.

"Where's Shay?"

"She doesn't sleep very good sometimes. She didn't fall asleep last night till 3, so she's still upstairs."

"How do you know when she fell asleep?"

"Cause her tossing and turning kept me up all night."

"Does she know that?" He asks as he rinses out his bowl and puts it in the dishwasher.

"No, and you better not tell her. She'd feel awful if she knew."

Nolan nods as he gets his book bag and slings it over his shoulder. When we get in the car, I look at him.

"Dad said you have a test today. Ready for it?"

He groans. "I guess..."

"What's wrong?"

"I just really hate school."

"I get it," I say as I head to the school, ready to get the day done so I can hang out with him. He's seriously cool, and I always wanted a brother that wasn't almost 19 years older than me.

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