~59~ Flying Squirrel

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Taylor's POV

I look at Liam and shake my head. "Nobody told me about this shit. I thought I knew all there was to know when I helped raise you."

"What do you mean?" He asks as he grabs a package of Oreos and starts to eat them.

"Having a couple kids who are popular, and one who isn't...And then watch them wonder what's wrong with them."

Liam stuffs two Oreos in his mouth, and I grin.


He nods as he tries his best, making cookie crumbs fly out and get on my shirt.

"Make sure you're using protection, my boy...You ain't ready to grow up just yet," I say as I go upstairs to deal with my oldest.


When I get to her room, I rap on her door softly and then go in. She's laying on her stomach, writing in a journal on her bed.

She looks at me and glares as she roughly shuts the journal and puts the cap back on her fuzzy purple pen.

She sits up on the bed and crosses her legs. "Daddy, this isn't fair! I've been looking forward to it all week."

I sit on her bed and sigh as I move her journal and pen to her desk.

"Sasha, your sister should have been invited. The fact that she wasn't hurts my feelings."

"It's not a big deal!"

"Then why are you so upset that you can't go?"

She blinks several times and her mouth drops open. "Cause it's Chuck E Cheese...."

"And I'm sure Emma wanted to go too."

"Still not fair," she mumbles.

I chuckle dryly as I put my finger under her chin to raise her face.

"If you think that's not fair, then you're really not gonna like what's coming."


"I won't tolerate one of my kids being hateful to someone...Especially their siblings. You're her big sister! You're supposed to stand up for her and protect her."

Her glare starts to soften. "Nobody was hurting her."

"They hurt her here," I say as I tap my finger to her heart.

She simply nods as she looks at me. "If I ask Mia if Emma can come, then can we go?"

"No" I say as I scoot her closer to me. "You should have done that last week when you found out she wasn't invited. Now you're getting spanked and grounded for the weekend."

"WHAT?!?!" She asks in astonishment.

"You devastated her, Sasha. When we're done, you're going to apologize. Hear me?"

"Please don't spank me! I'll go tell her sorry now."

"Get over now, young lady."

"But daddy—I.."


She huffs and slumps her shoulders as she rests her belly on my thighs, gripping my shorts.

"Still not fair," she mutters with her face in the comforter, and I roll my eyes and I bring my hand down roughly on her bottom.

She immediately starts twisting and turning, trying to scoot off my lap.

"Oh no you don't," I say as I swat her thigh once harshly, making her shriek.

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