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Josie's POV

After the boys are sleeping, Sasha lays in bed with me and we talk about all of the things I told Mason in the car. She lays under the covers with me and asks me all of the questions that Mason didn't.

All of the girly details that Mason couldn't care less about....Are skinny jeans officially out of style, how many girls wore mom jeans, and what's the newest way girls were wearing their eye shadow.

I laugh as I tell her about one girl who couldn't ever figure out the fade technique, and looked ridiculous with her bright blue eyeshadow and winged eye liner that never matched between eyes.

She grins as we talk about all the things, but the more I talk to her the more uneasy I feel. I sit up in bed and really stare at her, and I get a pit in my stomach.

"Sasha, what's the matter?"

"Nothing, why?" She asks as she sits up in bed, surprised by the sudden change in my tone.

"You aren't acting like yourself. Are you and Mason having problems?"

"No, we're great! I'm great!"

I look at her and know she's full of shit—Something is wrong.

"School going good this year?" I ask.

For a split second, I see something on her face that makes me sick. The moment it's there, it disappears even quicker and I begin to think I imagined it.

"School is great," she smiles so effortlessly, making me doubt what I saw.

I nod as I drop it, and she starts asking me about the boys at college—Boys I haven't given a second glance to.

"5 am is gonna come early," she yawns as she gets up and kisses my cheek. "I'm going to bed. You need anything?"

"I'm good," I grin as she nods and goes to the door. "The family feels almost whole again," she says sadly as we both think about Dylan, and how devastated we are that he left.

About half an hour later, I go downstairs and see Mason doing some grading in a white tee and sweats.

"You still up?" I ask as I sit next to him at the table.

"Yeah, I've gotta get this done by tomorrow," he moans as he marks something wrong in red ink.

"Sorry I put you behind."

"I'm not," he says seriously as he puts down his pen and shakes his head.

"Mase?" I say after a moment of peaceful silence.

"Jose?" He grins, matching my tone.

"Something is wrong with Sasha."

His eyes darken and his jaw tightens as he nods. "I know..I think it has something to do with school, but I can't bring myself to snoop on her. She's not one to play damsel."

"Maybe she doesn't need to play damsel, but she still needs you to be her knight in shining armor."

He looks at me for a long minute before he lets out a sigh and nods. Then he puts his head in his hands. "You're right...I've let it go on long enough. After break I'll start snooping on each class."

"What do you think it is?" I ask with a sick feeling in my stomach.

When he looks at me, he shrugs. "I think some kids are bugging her...But I don't know how bad it is."

"It's bad," I whisper, and his face flashes pain.

"Damn," he says as he throws his pen across the table and shakes his head angrily.

Inferno Part 4Where stories live. Discover now