~32~ That Image Haunts Me

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Liam's POV

When I get up to Savvy, she looks bored and unaffected by my scary glare. When I look around and see all the men in the area watching, I roll my eyes.

I'm gonna send momma some flowers, I think. This really sucks balls. I was such a monkey's ass—Taylor gets nothing, cause he annoys me.

When I get up to her, I silently hold out my hand. She immediately knows what I'm wanting, so she sets her keys into my open palm, and rolls her eyes.

"So it's just gonna stay here at the house?!?!" She asks with an attitude.

"Chief, can you call Shay and Luke and have them come get the car?" I ask over my shoulder.


I inwardly roll my eyes. I totally knew he came out to the bay to snoop.

I tilt my head and motion for her to follow me to my office and when she does, I keep trying to decide how to handle this whole thing.

She did so many no no's.

When we get in and I shut the door, I simply sit on my desk and stare at her. We have a stare down for so long, I start to get uncomfortable.

Doesn't she know that she's the one that's supposed to crack first?

"You ever gonna talk, or are we gonna gaze into each other's eyes all afternoon?"

"I've got nothing to say," she sighs as she sits on my cot and leans her back against the wall.

"Eh, I'm gonna call foul. Why aren't you in school?"

"Didn't feel like going."


"Just didn't. Can we get on with it?"

"With what?"

"My punishment. I'm sure you got a lot up your sleeve."

"Girly, I don't have a sleeve that long for the amount you've got comin' to ya. I'm not done talking, though. How long have you been smoking for?"

Her eyes widen. She apparently had no idea Nora caught her smoking.

She shakes her head and gets the pack out of her bag, and hands it to me. "There's just two missing."

I open it, and she's right. "Do I need to get you some patches?" I ask softly.

"I literally smoked one, and it was disgusting."

"There's two missing," I say as I look at her.

"I lit another one to see if I could make myself like it, when mom pulled up. I threw it on the ground and stomped on it. I didn't know she saw me with it."

"She did"

"She could've told me first..."

"I agree with that."

When she looks up at me, her chocolate brown eyes look sad and I instantly change tactics.

I get off the desk and go over to her, sitting next to her on the cot. "Talk to me, Sav."

She actually starts to cry as she dips her head. I take her hand silently in mine and stroke the back of her hand with my thumb.

"Everyone left me."


"Colton, Izzy, Josie, Dylan...Everyone's gone. I don't really have any friends at school. People don't like me; I have no one. I sit at lunch alone, I have nobody in any classes, nothing. I'm just so lonely."

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