~84~ Save Her

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Josie's POV

"BFF, IF YOU'RE KEEPING SECRETS I'M GONNA TELL!!!" I hear Liam scream as he walks in the door.

When he stops and sees Dylan eating cold pizza out of the fridge, he points angrily at Mason, eating a piece himself against the sink.

"You're SO dead," he says in fake anger as he engulfs Dylan and hugs him tight.

"Dude, you and Jake need to have a contest. Your guns might be bigger! Think you can beat me up yet?"

Dylan grins as he sets his pizza down and wipes his hands on his shorts. "How ya been, man?"

"I'm pissed I didn't know you were here! Are you hiding?"

Dylan smiles big. "We were gonna go say hi to everyone after lunch. How did you know I was here?"

"Saw you leave and go somewhere at 6 in the damn morning."

Mason points to Dylan and shakes his head in disgust. "That was ALL his fault!"

Liam squints his eyes as he glares even harder at Mason.

"We're in a fight."

"Liam, please forgive me for not telling you that my brother has been here for 16 hours...."

Liam crosses his arms and smacks his lips. "I don't think you actually mean that....."

"Take or leave the apology, loser." Mason snorts.

"Guess I'll take it," he grumbles as he hugs Dylan once more.

"You know, when mom finds out you're hiding him, she's gonna Woody your ass. Then we'll see if you're actually sorry."

"Dylan Matthew, get your ass to Ellie's...NOW!" Mason barks as he shoves him out the door while the rest of us laugh at him.

My brother is a simp.


Once Ellie sees Dylan, you'd think her own son just came home. She was so emotional that it moved a lot of us to tears—Especially Dylan.

By the time we leave, it's decided that we will have a big party since he didn't get to have Christmas with us.

"Ellie Jane, we literally just took down the tree," Taylor groans as he hangs his head.

"Yeah? Well we're putting it back up! He needs the atmosphere of Christmas!"

Dylan nods as he sticks out his lower lip and bats his eyes. "I really do, Taylor."

"Damn it," Taylor grumbles as he slouches in his seat and huffs. "I literally just put the last box of ornaments in the basement."

"You could buy me all new ornaments...." Ellie snaps.

Taylor closes his eyes and shakes his head. "No ma'am...I'll put it up...In January.....After Christmas has been long over....."

"Thank you," Ellie grins.


Mason and Sasha have to work today, so Dylan and I have plans to hang out. We spent all of yesterday hanging out with Mason and Sasha, and I'm secretly glad he and I get a day to ourselves.

When they leave for work and take Drew to school, I catch a weird look on Sasha's face.....Crap!

I push it out of my head for a minute as Dylan and I go to breakfast, but it keeps nagging at me.

As we're waiting on our food, he grabs my hand and gives me a smile.

"Jocelyn, you look good. I was honestly afraid of what I would come home to."

Inferno Part 4Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora