~11~ What's Vin Diesel Got?

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Ellie's POV

That afternoon when Nolan comes back, Taylor says nothing as he discreetly watches how he's acting.

Gabby is downstairs, playing a game on her computer at the table, and Nolan is acting really weird when he sees her.

"Did you have fun?" I ask as I kiss his cheek and hug his waist.

"Not really. I couldn't stick any of my jumps today."

"You never have problems with that," I say.

Nolan shrugs. "Just wasn't my day."

Taylor watches him and then looks at me. I don't wanna play detective

I start my investigation anyways, and notice how his eyes dart to Gabby often. With how he shut down around her earlier, I decide that Gabby is our Point of Interest. He either broke something of hers or did something to her. With as loud as Gabby always is, she DEFINITELY has no idea about it.

I motion for Taylor to follow me, and when he does I tell him what I think.

He rolls his eyes and nods. "Of course he'd do something wrong on the day I had one of the worst shifts ever. I think I'm gonna lay down for an hour...That way if we figure out what it is tonight, I'll have a clear head."

I kiss his cheek, and he heads up to our room to lay down.


That evening we all decide to just get pizza for dinner. We're all sitting in the living room, and Alex takes the remote. "I think that Taylor and I deserve to choose the movie this time."

"Ah man!" I groan as I take a piece of pizza and put it on my plate.

"Fast and the Furious?" He grins at my husband.

"HELL YEAH!" Taylor screeches as he high fives Alex.

Alex grins as he gets it going, and I pretend like I'm annoyed.

If Taylor found out that I actually liked this movie, he'd always make me watch them..And there's a ton of 'em.

Lilah leans in and whispers. "Is it bad that I think Vin Diesel's hot?"

"If it is, then I'm in the naughty corner with you. That man is fine," I whisper back.

Taylor pauses mid-bite to look over at me.

"Tell me I did NOT just hear you say that you're attracted to Vin Diesel."

"Lilah started it," I say as I point to her innocently.

"Uh huh," Taylor says as he looks at Alex, just as disgusted as he is.

"What does Vin Diesel have that we don't? The man doesn't even have hair!"

"Um......." I say as I try and think of something. Come on! Who doesn't find Vin Diesel sexy?

"Ummmm?" Taylor questions as he pretends to be even more disgusted.

"You're making the children uncomfortable, Tay!" I loud-whisper dramatically.

Colton snorts as he rolls his eyes. "Speaking of hair, what's wrong with yours?" He asks Gabby.

"Well that was rude," she says as she shoves him.

"No, I'm serious....Your ponytail looks weird."

Gabby gives him a disgusted look, and I notice Nolan straighten in his seat and stop chewing.

Uh oh

"You're being weird, Colton," she mumbles as she takes another bite of her pizza.

I stand up and look at her pony tail, and Colton is right. An entire chunk is missing...A HUGE chunk.

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