~62~ Get In His Head

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Ellie's POV

When the first slap comes down on Nolan's bare thigh, Nolan clenches hard and grabs his comforter.

Taylor hits a second time in the same spot, and a hiss escapes Nolan's lips.

The force that Taylor is using on him is completely astonishing, and I had no idea he was STILL holding back on the kids.

Nolan's thighs are already starting to pink up, so Taylor moves on to his bottom and continues slap after harsh slap.

After the twentieth slap, Nolan is already grunting and making noises as he starts to twist and writhe in pain.

Taylor silently pins him with his legs and continues on, bringing even more groans from Nolan.

"No use fighting it today, Nolan. You're gonna be crying shortly," Taylor says darkly as more harsh swats fall down.

Nolan only lasts a couple more smacks before the first whimper leaves his lips.

"Ow!" He cries as he buries his face deeper into the bed.

"Settle in kid...You won't even be able to talk when I'm done," Taylor says darkly as he continues on, poor Nolan growing more and more uncomfortable with each passing swat.

After several more minutes of unrelenting spanks, Nolan is crying and Taylor isn't looking phased.

"Ten more and I'm gonna use the brush. Then the real fun starts. Enjoy these last few warm up swats," Taylor says darkly.

I would be enraged right now if I didn't know this man so well. Just him saying that is making Nolan cry harder...He's trying to get in his head and scare him. Taylor is well aware how hard he's going, and I trust him to know when to stop.

After the promised ten, Taylor reaches out his hand for the brush. When I hand it to him, he places the flat wooden part on Nolan's bare thigh.

"Brace yourself, kid," Taylor says, keeping his voice angry.

Nolan flinches as he cries even harder, and I see it on Taylor's face that it's really getting to Taylor too.

When the first smack on Nolan's butt happens, Nolan screams.

Taylor's tactic of getting in his head is working

Taylor continues on with the hairbrush, and my kid is crying harder than he ever has. His harsh breathing mirrors the harsh smacks, and he is getting to the point where almost all of his fight is gone.

When he goes limp, Taylor blows out a breath of relief as he continues to spank him with the hairbrush.

After ten more smacks, Taylor pulls him closer to his stomach.

"Almost done," he says in a softer tone as he delivers the last few smacks to Nolan's bare thighs.

Nolan is crying so hard, he's incoherent as Taylor sets down the brush and gently rubs his back. After a good five minutes, Nolan still hasn't moved. Taylor picks him up off of his lap and carries him to the head of the bed. He gently lays him on his stomach and covers him up, kissing his head.

"Get some sleep and I'll talk to you when you wake up," he says as he kisses his head. We stay in his room for a few minutes, and Nolan is fast asleep and snoring softly.

"I don't want to ever do that to him again," he whispers as he gives me back my brush and leaves the room.


When we get back downstairs, Taylor silently grabs an ice pack from the fridge and sits on a stool, resting the ice pack on his hurting hand and closing his eyes.

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